
25 February 2013

Discussion Day: Coincidence...or fate? Similarities in the books we read

In lieu of  list for today, I wanted to start a discussion about one of the weirdest and coolest occurrences in my reading experience: similarities between the books inread. Now, when I say this, I'm not talking about going on a specific reading kick, like going through a I'm-only-reading-[insert author here]'s-books-until-I-finish-them-all phase or getting sucked into one genre. We've all been down both roads. What I'm talking about is my reading Kiersten White's Mind Games immediately followed by Emily Giffin's Where We Belong and realizing both are set in Chicago AND St. Louis. Coinkydink? Could be because I had no idea going into them plus they're in completely different genres: one is a sci-fi-ish thriller of a ya novel, the other an adult contemporary chick lit. And that's not all. I actually became aware of this odd phenomenon last sumer when I read three novels in a row set in New Orleans without knowing ahead of time, followed by two novels featuring a character named Cam. Weird, huh? Yeah, I think so. Anyone else have an experience similar to mine?

18 February 2013

Listmania Monday: No Love Triangles!

Everybody loves a good love triangle, especially really really good ones like Will-Tessa-Jem or Dimitri-Rose-Adrian. Okay, sometimes we pretend to love the triangle when we really just love declaring a team. But don't you sometimes feel like love triangles are all you read? I do. Have no fear, friends, because I've made up a list of plain old love segments (lines from point A to point B. How's that for dragging up middle school math? :P) for when you want a relationship filled with drama and tears...but just between two participants. Teams need not apply! Like all my lists, this one is far from complete as I can really only use books I've read. Let me know what I'm leaving off! When you guys comment, you give me recommendations, for which I'm always greatful!

Public Service Announcement: I do try to keep my posts fairly spoiler-free, however, in this post, this break line actually covers up actual spoiler-y material. If you don't want to know if your series is going to end up love-triangle-y, you may not want to continue after the break. Some series that you didn't imagine would become a triangle change. See: Twilight. I have no problem using that as my example as it was 1. originally written as a stand-alone novel and therefore the Jacob/Bella nonsense was not actually intended and 2. Hello. The movies. Everybody on the planet has an opinion about Team Edward or Team Jacob. I'm pretty sure the pope has fielded that question at some point. But I digress. Seriously. Some sequels brought the triangle with a BANG! out of left field. If you're not sure you want to know, don't keep reading.

11 February 2013

Listmania Mondays: Graphic Novels

Another current trend in ya is the prevalence of graphic novels for previously published novels. I find this practice a little odd as in my experience, the manga/gn readers and the fiction readers have remained fairly separate. However, I have really enjoyed the graphic novels that I've read so far. It's really  cool to see artistic interpretation outside film and television. As always, please leave me comments with your favorite graphic novel adaptation or one you wish would get published or any I've left off the list. As for me, I hope that the Vampire Academy graphic novels lead to the publishing of Bloodlines and I REALLY would like Laini Taylor and her husband Jim DiBartolo to do an adaptation of Daughter and Smoke and Bone because I think that world would be RIDICULOUS in a phraphic format.

04 February 2013

Listmania Monday: Male POV

Most ya fiction is really geared towared young women rather than young men, primarily because many studies have shown that teenage guys simply don't read as much as teenage girls. There are always other activities that young men are encouraged to do other than reading, but I really like how recently authors are trying to branch out more to reach that demographic by writing more novels with male protagonists. 

Questions to ponder (and comment on, if you're feeling chatty!): For everybody: Do you read male pov and if so, what's your favorite? How do you feel about the change in the ya genre for split povs in a single novel (these are noted in the list). For the guys: Do you find it difficult to find well-written male pov? Are male pov's written by women accurate? For the ladies: Do you get tired of female pov and turn to male pov for fresh narratives? I know I do!

Comments and additions are always appreciated!

01 February 2013

Valentine's Day Giveaway!

check HERE for open giveaways

To celebrate my new blog and the most romantic day of the year, I'm hosting my first giveaway! But more on that in a minute. Valentine's Day is (supposedly) the most romantic day of the year, full of flowers and chocolate and kissing and dinners out and all that. Personally, I have never in my life had a V-Day that included all that. I'd rather spend Feb 14 with great company like my girlfriends as we go out to dinner and to a rom com or handsome imaginary young men like those we read about in our favorite books. So two questions for you guys: 1. What books will you be reading during this oh-so-warm-and-squishy-feeling-inducing holiday? and 2. Which book character would you most like to be your valentine? Is it a shadowhunter? A vampire? An angel? A relatively normal guy or gal from a contemporary novel? As for me, I have a feeling this year I'll be cosying up to Adrian and Eddie! :D 

Now on to the good stuff...