
31 May 2014

Weekly wrap-up: May 25-31

Actual conversation I had with my mom this week:
Me: "Speaking of books... Mommy, I love you."
Mom: *sighs* "What do you need me to send you?"
Me: "Okay, go up to my room."
Mom: "I'm there."
Me: "Tall bookshelf in the corner."
Mom: "Which corner?"
Me: "The TALL bookshelf. The one in the actual corner, not the one behind the door."
Mom: "Give me a second, you have a lot of stuff on the floor, and if I'm not careful, I'll fall and hurt myself just like you did."
Me: " HA. HA."
Mom: "Now what?"
Me: "Okay, look for three books that look alike but one is yellow, one is pink, and one is bl–"
Mom: "Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and Baby Proof?"
Me: "YES."
Mom: "Fine. I'll have them in the mail tomorrow."
(PS they arrived Thursday)

Guys, my mom is the best. She is so supportive of my bookish habits (and is, in fact, the source of said habits). She said she missed me this week because the Scholastic book sale was in town. She was telling me all about the books that were there like "the book with the shoe" (Cinder) and the Ally Carter books like "the one with the thieves" (Heist Society) and "the now you see them" books (Gallagher Girls, which she HAS read). She said she got "a LOT of books, including a couple for you, and only for $120!" so yeah, totally where I get my book buying habits.

Foreplay (Ivy Chronicles #1) - Sophie Jordan: 4 stars. Really entertaining. I read Hunter's novella first so I was kind of on "his side" of the situation, but after reading Foreplay, I understand Pepper a bit better. But I still want a full Hunter/Brooke book, Sophie!
Tease (Ivy Chronicles #2) - Sophie Jordan: 3.5 stars. I'm not sure why I didn't like Tease quite as much as Foreplay, even though I think I might relate more to Emerson than Pepper. I think it might have something to do with the sweetness of Pepper and Reese rather than the sharp I-hate-you-ness of Emerson and Shaw. Still, very enjoyable. Can't wait for Wild!
The Immortal Crown (Age of X #2) - Richelle Mead: 4 stars. So I didn't like this quite as much as Gameboard. I miss the mystery aspect it had. Also, I miss some of the characters (Leo and Dominic, mostly). I also couldn't have cared less about Tessa's storyline. Not. Interested. It was, however, very interesting to read this book during a time when we are collectively questioning gender inequality and violence because there's a look at that in here. <--- this is what I thought as I was reading. Then I read Mae's last conversation and the epilogue and I was like: OHMYGOSH RICHELLE YOU CRUEL MONSTER HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME. I don't even know why I was surprised. Shadow Kiss: horrible, emotional cliffy. Fiery Heart: horrendous, feels-destroying cliffy. Classic Mead.
"Just One Night" (Just One Day #2.5) - Gayle Forman: 4 stars. A little chaotic, but an overall satisfying ending to Allyson and Willem's story. Simultaneously sweet, charming, and sexy.

Something Borrowed audiobook - Emily Giffin: 2 stars. I simply do not understand the point of abridged audiobooks. I really don't. I also didn't like the narrator's voice much. I don't feel like she was a good match for Rachel, and her voices for Darcy and Marcus were downright horrid.

Currently Reading:
Something Blue audiobook - Emily Giffin. On pause. My cd has a scratch so it's skipping. Need to fix it before I can continue-ue-ue-ue (<--that's what it sounds like, and it's driving me CRAZY).
The Forever Song - Julie Kagawa. ZEKE! *weeps bitterly*
Divergent audiobook - Veronica Roth. I have to have this back in the library in 3 weeks so I have to listen to it now, even though I'm like #16 in the holds line for Insurgent. :( But this means I'm getting closer to finally reading Allegiant!

New to my bookshelf this week:
Divergent audiobook - Veronica Roth
City of Lost Souls audiobook - Cassandra Clare
The Book of Broken Hearts audiobook - Sarah Ockler
City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare

The Art of Lainey - Paula Stokes
The One (Selection #3) - Kiera Cass
Selection Stories (Selection #1.5/2.5) - Kiera Cass

Half Price Books
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green (2 copies)

Seven Day Fiancé (Love & Games #2) - Rachel Harris (4 copies)
"Just One Night" (Just One Day #2.5) - Gayle Forman. Mmmm, yeah.
City of Heavenly Fire (Mortal Instruments #6) - Cassandra Clare. ABOUT FRIGGING TIME.
Take Me On (Pushing the Limits #4) - Katie McGarry
Biggest Flirts (Superlatives #1) - Jennifer Echols

Giveaways & Contests:
The Art of Lainey + the fab fashion prize pack. Courtesy of author Paula Stokes & #ArtofLainey twitter party hostess Christina of Ensconced in Lit. Thank you both so much!!! *hugs*


  1. I hate abridged audiobooks!!! They really are the worst. It almost ruins the book!!!

  2. Your mom sounds awesome. My mom is the same way, but I get my bookish ways from her. Your book reads sound satisfactory. Glad you enjoyed them.:) I don't understand abridged audiobooks either. It seems incredibly ridiculous to even have them. I hope you don't die from the end of Allegiant. I read the ending in class. :/ Not cool. I hope you enjoy your future reads!

  3. I don't understand the point of abridged audiobooks either. I haven't listened to that many (I'm really warming up to them though), but it has happened to me twice. I like to read along while I listen--I know, weird, but I like to see all the proper names plus I tend to space out otherwise. So, anyway, it happened with Bridget Jones Diary and On the Road by Jack Kerouac. I thought Bridget Jones would be really fun, but I had to give up reading along and just listen and think about all the good stuff I was missing, plus the second one was abridged as well so I didn't even bother with it. As for On the Road, I was basically forcing myself to read it, partly because it's so popular and partly because of the (then) upcoming movie. It was one of the most boring books I've ever encountered so maybe abridged was a blessing in that respect. ;) I thought the Bridget Jones movies were cute; I never bothered with On the Road.
