
21 April 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up: April 14-20

Got some good reading in this week, but I'll have to kick it up a notch to finish my tbr list forthe TXLA conference this week!

The Supernaturalist: The Graphic Novel - Eoin Colfer: 2stars. I highly recommend the novel, but this adaptation leaves a lot to be desired.
"What Really Happened In Peru" (The Bane Chronicles #1) - Cassandra Clare & Sara Rees Brennan: 5 stars. Magnus's adventures are hilarious!
Sever (Chemical Garden #3) - Lauren DeStefano: 3 stars. Not the ending I had expected or hoped for, but it was okay. I was rather gutted when DeStefano killed off one of my more favorite characters in kind of an anti-climactic way. Not the death I think s/he deserved. :(
Broadway Lights (Secrets of My Hollywood Life #5) - Jen Calonita: 4 stars. This series is lighthearted and sweet. I adore it!

Currently Reading:
The Host - Stephenie Meyer. Rereading for about the 6th time. This is one of my all-time favorites.  I just love it so much!

New to my bookshelf this week:
A Midsummer's Nightmare - Kody Keplinger

1 comment:

  1. I love The Host too! I enjoyed Twilight but wasn't a super fan or anything and I didn't have high expectations for The Host but I really got involved in it! I still think that it is one of the scariest concepts I've ever read and I read a lot of horror!
