
13 July 2013

Weekly Wrap-up: July 7-13

So...not a lot of reading this week. Also not a lot of blogging. BUT I did manage to attend two book signings this week. You guys. The bold letters should make you really, really excited. I may not have posted much, but I recorded both events and will have transcripts up soon. Plus, when it comes to me, signings =  free books for you guys. If you're not excited yet, GET THAT WAY.

Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) - Marissa Meyer: 5 stars. SO glad the hype was true!!
Beautiful Bitch (Beautiful Bastard #1.5) - Lauren Christina: 1 star. I deserved this one. I'm ashamed to admit that I even read it. You guys, it was SO. BAD. I mean, even if you don't count that Lauren & Christina's story is basically a smutty fanfic, the style was horrible. Why do I do these things to myself?!

Currently Reading:
Transparent - Natalie Whipple: Pretty interesting. Wish I had devoted more time to reading this one this week.
Shadow & Bone (Grisha #1) - Leigh Bardugo: Okay, okay, I'm finally reading this one! By page 70-something, I was already madly in love with the Darkling. I think I'm a goner.

New to my bookshelf this week:
Surprisingly, no new library books to report. However, I did buy more books to be signed, including:
The Girl of Fire and Thorns (Fire and Thorns #1) - Rae Carson
The Goddess Test (Goddess Test #1) - Aimee Carter
The Lost Sun (United States of Asgard #1) - Tessa Gratton
The Immortal Rules & The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden #1 & 2) - Julie Kagawa,
Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits #1) Katie McGarry
Intertwined (Intertwined #1) - Gena Showalter
Dani Noir & Imaginary Girls - Nova Ren Suma
My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers #1) - Rachel Vincent
(These were all personal copies for me. I don't count giveaway books as being on my bookshelf)
Oh, and I also snagged an ARC of The Iron Traitor last night, thanks to Aimee, Julie, and Harlequin Teen. NBD.

....Wait, what am I saying?! I freaked the crap out, duh! zSdklgas:Ldkgjarsgkaslri <---me last night. Review will be coming much, much closer to publish date, but details about both signings and authors who can't fly under the radar despite much effort will be posted later this week. Ta, darlings, and happy reading!


  1. So excited to read about the book signings! (:

    1. Such a slacker! I meant to have one up today, but since I wrote them in shorthand, it's taking a while to type it up properly!
