
23 August 2013

Cover Reveal: Blindsided by Natalie Whipple

This morning the fabulous Natalie Whipple had an exciting tidbit on Twitter: the cover for Blindsided, which is the sequel to Transparent! Naturally, I had to snag it to share with all of you!

by Natalie Whipple
Coming January 2, 2014
from Hot Key Books

What price would you pay just to look in a mirror? It's junior year of high school, and Fiona has definitely had enough of being invisible. It's pretty hard to have a normal relationship when the only photos of her and Seth show him kissing thin air. On top of that, old Arizonan gang tensions are threatening to spill over at any minute, which could put them all in serious danger. So when Fiona realizes that she and her friends know something that could change everything, she has to decide whether working with the criminal syndicates is too high a price to finally be seen.

I know what you're thinking. How did we go from that cool brightly lit cover with a faded image of a girl to a somewhat cartoon-y cover? Well, the answer lies in the publisher. Hot Key is Natalie's UK publisher, and this cover matches their version of Transparent. I know what you're thinking again. If Blindsided is being published by a UK publisher, how will I read it in the US? Never fear. The English rights were entirely bought by Hot Key so they're publishing it in the US and Canada along with the UK!

I think this cover is really cute. Sure, I wish it matched the US Transparent cover, but I'm not going to split hairs over matching covers when I'm just thrilled we're getting a sequel! When I started reading Transparent, it was a standalone, and I liked that. But by the time I finished, it had a sequel, and I liked that too. Transparent isn't an epic story about teens with powers overthrowing an evil system. It's about one girl who is trying to earn her freedom from her controlling father. It's also about her learning to be okay with herself and her past. Now, though, I like that Fiona is going to fight for her right to NOT be invisible. Blindsided might turn out to be a little more epic, and I'm really okay with that. What do you think?

If you were wondering, here are the US and UK covers for Transparent for your comparing pleasure.


  1. I don't like this cover at all. It just looks so awkward and it reminds me of a really bad kid show that I saw when I was little. It's not a bad idea. It's just I don't like it.

    1. I can definitely understand why, Sarah. It's a totally different feel than the US cover of Transparent. But, like I said, I'm not going to complain when I'm really excited there's going to be a sequel. I'll buy it as an ebook, and it won't be quite as noticeable a difference. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
