
13 September 2013

Not feeling it

Ever since my romp as a camp instructor at work cut into my blogging time, I have made a commitment to myself to be better about posting. It's actually been working out really well for me. I've been doing more reviews than ever, I resurrected my Listmania Monday posts, I've been better about talking to other bloggers and commenting on their blogs... It's been great! 

But this week...I just haven't been feeling it. I've actually had a really good bookish week as far as books I've received (you'll hear all about it during tomorrow's Weekly Wrap-up), but not so good as far as books read. I've only read about 200 pages of Aprilynne Pike's Earthbound...and that's it. Let me tell you: I can knock out 200 pages in a couple of hours normally. This week, it's like there's an iron door that has been slammed shut on my reading and writing ability. Sure, I only comment on other people's writing, but the words I use have to come from somewhere, and I can't access that place right now. I have readers' block AND bloggers' block! 

Jamie from Perpetual Page Turner has discussed this phenomenon several times this summer, and although I'm a much newer blogger than she is, I've found myself completely empathizing with her struggles. It's a strange notion, but I actually have a "public persona" now. People who have never met me in real life know who I am and have a notion of what kind of person I am, and that is a terrifying concept to me. Some days, I'm just overwhelmed by the pressure of having to be "on," but then I wonder if the only pressure is coming from myself, from the expectations I've created.

As for the readers' block, I just need to make more time for reading. I got a little distracted by the tv show Girls this week, which ate into late-night reading time. Also, my book haul this week was spectacular, so I'm hoping the reading will sort itself out. As for blogging, I keep flashing back to Myra McEntire at the YA AdVANture event last week where she said that you have to fill the well of creativity, and that means more reading, so see the first sentence in this paragraph. As for the pressures of being "on" and having the public face....well, I'm still working on that.

So tell me. What do you do when you feel like you can't read or write? How do you feel about/deal with the concept of having a public persona? Feel free to share your tips, tricks, experiences, whatever!


  1. When I don't feel like reading and writing I occupy myself wit tumblr, instagram, and hanging out with people. I watch a really boring movie, too and that usually makes me want to read again! Also going on GR and looking though all my TBR books makes me excited to finish the book I'm reading so I can start something new.

    1. Those are great ideas, Sarah! I particularly like your watching a boring movie. Now that I think of it, I've absoulutely ditched a not-so-great movie in favor of getting into a book. That's a trick I'll have to use more often!

  2. I have been feeling the same way about reading lately, and also about writing reviews. I am trying to pull myself out of this slump by doing a read-a-thon, but it's not really working. I have some really great books I have been dying to read, but I am scared to read those when I am in a slump!

    1. I know! I hate being in a fowl mood when I want to read an anticipated book. I'm always afraid of it rubbing off! I hope you find a way to get out of your slump soon. You're not alone!

  3. I find it strange to have a public persona, as I'm sure a lot of authors do, as writing is such a private endeavor. Long ago, I envisioned it as a career that would keep me off in my own corner of the world, where I only ventured out every few years for booksignings. Can you tell I was born into the pre-Internet age? Now, being an author means access to readers- which I LOVE. But it's not an "only when I feel chatty" thing... sometimes people want to talk to me when I'm writing and I find it confusing to jump out of writer mode and be the Joanne of Public Perception. Not that Public Joanne is false. But she has way more energy than Writer Joanne, who saves up all her words for books, not speaking ;-). I worry that if I let Writer Joanne out too often, she comes across as surly!! On the other hand, if give Public Joanne too much spotlight time... no work gets done, and that's not a good thing.

    So, I have to limit my time online to when I'm ready to wear the public hat. If it's a day of No Talking, I'm Writing... I need to respect that. Because ultimately, readers want my books far more than they want me to hang out with them! If I can relate that to you, I'd suggest playing around with blogger days versus reader days. Maybe those are different parts of your brain that would thrive more from some separation. Write a batch of posts on your blogger days and forget about it when you're reading. Lose yourself in one world or the other. it's worth a try...

    And don't forget... we <3 your blog and seeing you here, so whatever you need to do to protect that and make it work is going to be cool with your readers!

    1. Joanne, your comment is amazing! I absolutely know the feelings you've described so perfectly. This is why you are the professional writer here! I'm still striving toward reaching balance with all facets of my life, including the blogging and the reading so I'm intrigued by your suggestion to have separate blogger days and reader days. I really might have to give that a shot! Thank you so much for your thoughts and for just being awesome in general. :)

  4. I'm really glad I'm not a blogger! Too much pressure! I recently had readers' block and just couldn't start anything. I got over it by forcing myself to start a new book. I knew that once I started reading I would get hooked and this is the case. Thankfully!

    1. I like the pressure, but sometimes, I just buckle a bit. I've been doing this long enough that it's no longer completely fresh and exciting. It feels like a job. It's a job I like, true, but sometimes, I just want to take a day off, you know? That said, I still really do enjoy doing this. If it ever becomes too much, I know I'll step aside, but for now, I love it. Glad you're over your reader's block!

  5. This hasn't happened to me (yet), but when I would have writer's block when working on a WIP, I would usually take a step back and find something else to occupy my mind for a bit. I know it's harder with a blog, but maybe a week off might help? Maybe spend the blogging time doing some extra reading or something else you enjoy?

    1. I would imagine you're still at the really new honeymoon phase, which is great. Make that last as long as you can! I think I'm on the upside of this slump, but you made some really good suggestions. If this happens again (probably WHEN it happens again), I'll have to keep this in mind.
