
06 October 2013

Funday: Confessions

credit to Harper Teen
Funday is my Sunday blog feature where I share fun pictures or talk about me as a reader. Today's post is going to get embarassing because it's all about my
Book Confessions

Book I've never read: The Chronicles of Narnia. I know. Guys, I know. When I was younger, I started reading The Magician's Nephew, but I DNFd it. I've been told I need to try it again with The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, but at this point in my career as a blogger, it's tough to get to backlist.

Other books/authors I've never read: Jennifer L. Armentrout. Holly Black (I've read some of her short stories but never one of her novels). A Series of Unfortunate Events. Gemma Doyle & The Divingers by Libba Bray (loved Beauty Queens, but haven't read any of the others). The Girl of Fire & Thorns. Throne of Glass. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Beautiful Creatures. Simone Elkeles. Uglies. James Patterson. Sophie Jordan. Lorien Legacies (I am Number Four). Wicked Lovely. Robin McKinley. Jamie McGuire. Patrick Ness. Fiona Paul. Carrie Ryan. Rachel Vincent.

Book I hate: To Kill a Mockingbird. Yup. I'm not afraid to say it. I read TKAM in ninth grade, but at that point, I was already a lifelong reader and had a particular style of book that I liked. TKAM did NOT match that style so I really struggled to read it. If that's not shocking enough for you, tied in this category is J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye. Ugh. So many people find themselves relating to Holden. I, on the other hand, just wanted him to stfu already. Spare me your whining, Holden, and grow up!

Series I haven't finished: Artemis Fowl. Percy Jackson. Princess Diaries. House of Night. The Goddess Test. Inkworld. Fallen. Jessica Darling. Immortals by Alyson Noel. The Vampire Diaries. The Wolves of Mercy Falls. Gossip Girl.

Original Fan aka the books I read long before they were huge: Harry Potter. The Hunger Games. Vampire Academy. Artemis Fowl. I am very, very honest about not being an original fan for many Big Books, but these series I read from the absolute beginning.

Book I lie about: Fifty Shades of Grey. Yes. I've read it. It was not good. Just...not good. Borrowed it from the library, though, so at least I didn't waste my money!

Book I'm not ashamed about: Twilight! I am so tired of Twilight being a punchline. Grow up, guys. If you didn't love it, that's cool, but don't talk trash it just so other people will agree with you. That's rude. Non-fans need to move on and find something else to hate.

Guilty pleasure: Boycotts & Barflies by Victoria Michaels. This actually is another Twilight fanfic-turned-novel, but it was an AU fic so the story was completely different. I read this when it was a fanfic, I bought it after it was released as a novel, and I reread it about once a year.

What do you think about my confessions? Have a suggestion for a confession? Feel free to share your picks for these categories as well!


  1. I also have not read any books by Jennifer L. Armentrout - although I own the first book "Obsidian" if the Lux series. Throne of Glass and the Uglies series are also something I really want to get into :)

    SIncerely, Steph

  2. I hated Fifty Shades of Grey so much! It was so poorly written. There is much better erotica out there!

    1. I didn't completely 100% hate it. The actual story was an interesting concept, but you're right, it was pretty poorly written, not even counting the sexy stuff.

  3. I've never read the Harry Potter Series since I watched the movies first and I have this habit of not reading the book(s), if I watched the movie(s). Same with the Percy Jackson Series. Watched but never read. :/ Trying to break that habit! Pushing myself to read the books :)

    1. Oh, definitely read them. The books are almost always better for any movie, but definitely in the case of both HP and PJ.

  4. This is a really cool idea. I've never seen bloggers really do confessions before. Cool blog feature!

    1. Haha, thanks! I enjoyed my confessions, but those won't be the regular feature. My Sunday posts are going to be a bit of a hodge podge. They'll still be about books, but less directly. :)

  5. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you... Not everything, but most.
