
19 October 2013

Weekly wrap-up: October 13-19

Lately, I've really been cutting down on the amount I'm spending on books because I just moved into a house, and I have a lot of adult-ish bills to pay these days. So aggravating. I miss the days when I could do whatever I wanted with my money. However, Half Price Books totally had a massive sale here in Dallas. And we're talking $1 and $2 clearance here. There weren't any new books to be found, but there were a lot of older ones that I found intriguing and one that just sent me into a bout of hysterical laughter. Also, with a few days off from work (and one day in which I was technically working, but not doing anything at all. I know that sounds bad, but there was literally nothing I was able to do for long stretches of time other than sit and read), I was able to get a LOT of reading done. How was your week? Any great new books I should be aware of? Let me know!

Frigid (Frigid #1) - J. Lynn: 4 stars. My first JLA/JL novel, and I really enjoyed it. I will definitely be reading more.
Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell: 5 stars. Levi Levi Levi Levi Levi. Also, Cath IS me. Review here.
The Girl with the Iron Touch (Steampunk Chronicles #3) - Kady Cross: 3.5 stars. I love this series so much so it kills me to give it a relatively low rating. However, I just didn't think it warrented anything higher. Very sad because this series deserves better ratings. Full review here.
Nantucket Blue - Leila Howland: 4 stars. I wasn't blown away, which is honestly what I'd been expecting, but it was pretty good. Enjoyable. Will review soon.
Racing Savannah (Hundred Oaks #4) - Miranda Kenneally: 4 stars. *sigh* I love the Hundred Oaks series. There was a BIG surprise that I wasn't expecting in this one, but it was a nice surprise. Full review coming during the Racing Savannah tour for Sourcebooks, which will be in December.

Currently Reading:
The Program (The Program #1) - Suzanne Young: This is starting off pretty slowly, but I have a feeling things are about to pick up. Status: page 84
Clockwork Princess audiobook - Cassandra Clare: Love it. I could be a bit further along, but I stopped it at the end of a chapter break tonight. Wanted to get a chunk in its entirety tomorrow and not broken up. Status: 69% (naughtily ironic considering I'm now at chapter 19 *eyebrow waggle*)

New to my bookshelf this week:
The End Games - T. Michael Martin: I heard this is a good book for Halloween.
Two Lies and a Spy - Kat Carlton
Wait for You (Wait for You #1) - J. Lynn
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black
Wild Cards - Simone Elkeles

The Madman's Daughter - Megan Shepherd: I actually bought this a couple months ago, but I shipped it to my good friend Maura of The Whimsical Mama, who got to meet Megan recently & was nice enough to get my copy signed!
The Bitch Posse - Martha O'Connor
Take Me There - Carolee Dean
The Heartbreakers - Pamela Wells
Girl v. Boy - Yvonne Collins & Sandy Rideout
One Day - David Nicholls (I think this may be the book that Anne Hathaway movie is based on. Maybe)
Outside the Lines - Amy Hatvany
The Indigo Notebook - Laura Resau
Anatomy of a Boyfriend - Daria Snadowsky: I've always been intrigued by this cover

And, my personal favorite: Datable by Justin Lookadoo and Hayley DiMarco. Guys, we are going to make fun of this book SO MUCH. I may turn this into a weekly feature for a little bit because this book is so ridiculous I couldn't not buy it. To give you a hint of what's to come, let me tell you that chapter 8 is titled "Girls Control How Far You Go" and chapter 13 is titled "Girls, Shut Up." Oh, we are going to have a freaking FIELD DAY with this! I hope you're as excited as I am!

Giveaways & Contests:
Eve - Anna Carey, courtesy of EpicReads aka Harper Collins. I won this from attending my first-ever Tea Time!

Racing Savannah - Miranda Kenneally (NG)
While You're Away Part I - Jessa Holbrook (NG)
Pawn (Blackcoat Rebellion #1) - Aimee Carter (NG)
Crash Into You - Katie McGarry (NG)
Heartbeat -Elizabeth Scott (NG)
Stir Me Up - Sabrina Elkins (NG)
Reckless Secrets - Gina Robinson (NG)

Events Attended: 
Anna Godberson @ Irving Public Library, October 17. Anna spend a few minutes talking about F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, but she also answered a few questions about her own work, and then she signed some books. Recap coming soon!


  1. I'm cutting down on how many books I buy too. For me it is because I have so many that I despair at ever reading them all!

  2. Ooh, I'm so curious about Coldtown. I've read Holly Black's Tithe series and tried out her White Cat one too.

    That's a lot of books, including library ones! Your personal library must be very impressive. ;) I'd love to spend more on books but the budget (and lack of space in the room) does not permit it. It is hard for me to resist Kindle deals though.

    Ellen @ Glamorous Book Lounge

    1. I actually haven't read any Holly Black books, but I'm excited to start! My library system is AMAZING here in Dallas, There are...29 branches, I think, and my personal library is pretty awesome too, but it's split in two right now: part here with me and part back home with my parents.

  3. I think I might read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. I heard that it was good. Also, I've been wanting to read The Program for awhile. Plus, I. LOVED. FANGIRL. SO MUCH. IT. WAS AMAZING. Finally, I've stopped reading for a few days because I don't want to start a new series BECAUSE ALLEGIANT IS COMING OUT TUESDAY AND I AM BUYING IT THE DAY OF. Don't want to pause the reading of the new series and read Allegiant in between. 2. MORE. DAYS. THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME.

    1. Fangirl is definitely going on the top books of 2013 list. It was spectacular. Have fun with Allegiant!
