
01 December 2013


Wow, is it that time already?! It's crazy that it's been a year since I started blogging because it also marks the one-year anniversary of my big move to Texas, and it just doesn't seem like I've been away from home for that long. This has been a really interesting year in every aspect. I don't even remember what I expected when I started blogging, but it has been quite the undertaking. And you know what? I'm glad I decided to start. I wouldn't change it for the world. Hopefully year two of this noble experiment will bring about some good changes in operation (and design!). Blogging has been a lot of hard work but also so much fun. I hope to keep the good times rolling!

But TWO years after I had the idea, it's gone back to I'm a genius!*

Big thanks and hugs to everyone who has supported me along the way. My friends and family in real life have been (for the most part) very understanding and supportive of my not-new-anymore hobby. I think part is they were used to me reading all the time anyway. Love you guys. Thanks for not rolling your eyes too much whenever I told you about what I'm reading and why you should be reading it too.

Special thanks to my dear friend Maura who has been the most supportive of all. What started out as comments and recommendations on Goodreads became comments on my blog and late-night Twitter chats interspersed with Facebook messages. You've been the most vocal in sharing all my news and links and giveaways and everything. Seriously, you're the best, and I love you. I've known Maura since college, but you guys will know her as The Whimsical Mama. Please go show her some love on her blog!

Also, many thanks to all my fellow bloggers who have never minded a new voice popping up. You guys are so encouraging and never fail to help out with great advice when I need it.

To my readers: I'd have absolutely nothing without you. Several of you are long-time readers since the very beginning. I love and appreciate all your support, all your thoughtful comments, all your cheer.

To the publishers: Thanks for taking a chance with a newbie. I am so grateful for all the awesome books and swag you've sent my way.

To the authors: I wouldn't even have this hobby if it weren't for all your lovely words. Thanks for doing what you do and doing it so well. Thanks for all the good times on Twitter and never freaking out when you saw my stack(s) of books at signings.

SO. I figure my first move in my second year as a blogger should be to celebrate with a ton of giveaways. In the past year, I have accumulated a LOT of books and bookish swag, and it's time to give back. Over the next month, I'll be hosting manymanymany giveaways as my thanks to you guys for getting me where I am now.

First up is a month-long giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card. This is an INTERNATIONAL giveaway and will end 12 AM CST January 1. All giveaway policies are located in the Site  Policies tab at the top. Best of luck!
*I do know how to spell genius. The "genious" who created that chart for Cheezburger, apparently, cannot.


  1. I would recommend the Killing Woods by Lucy Christopher. It's pretty creepy and has amazing character building.

    1. I've heard of Lucy Christopher's work before, but I haven't had a chance to check her out before. Thank you!

  2. It's amazing how time flies! It's awesome that you still enjoy blogging as well. :) Congrats!
    The one book I would recommend is Where I End and You Begin. It's a new adult, but one of my favorite books this year. It was amazing!

    1. New Adult is really hard to do right, but I will definitely give this a look. I've found some great NA reads this year, and I'd love to read another!

  3. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

  4. After the End is up on EW. Just sayin'. (: Thank you so much for everything you're doing to help me out with my blog after I helped you! (: I love you so much and I hope we get to hang out soon!!

    1. It's mah pleasure, and you know it. :) *hugs*

  5. Have you read Enclave by Ann Aguirre before? You should! It's really good :D

    1. I haven't! I discovered it at the library last year, but I didn't read it. I'll have to give it a shot!

  6. you must read Of Dreams and Shadow.

    1. Another I've seen, but haven't picked up yet.

  7. From the paranormal genre I would recommend the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent (this series rocked my world! :D) and from the contemporaries Easy by Tammara Webber!
    Happy Blogoversary to you!

    1. I want to read both of those. I met Rachel a couple months ago and got a Soul Screamers book signed, but I haven't read it yet. And I've wanted to read Easy for a long time! I just haven't gotten to it. My TBR is soooo long!

  8. Ok ok, *facepalm* you can laugh, I posted the wrong comment link in the raffle....soo....


  9. Fallon Vaughn -
    Joelle Charbonneau The Testing and Independant Studies.
    This book series seems consistantly good. I personly think it is a better version of the hunger games. Yay no love triangle.

    1. Oh, I'm excited to read a love-triangle-less novel! I saw The Testing at B&N one day, and I was intrigued by it. I'll definitely check it out. Thank you!

  10. Hmmmm a book recommendation. I am just going to leave you a link to my 2013 favorites:

    Thanks for the giveaway :-)

    1. Thanks, Em! Kasie West, Tamara Ireland Stone, and Rae Carson are long-time TBRs, and I just haven't gotten to reading their books yet. Which is bad because I actually met both Kasie and Rae this year, and I won Time Between Us directly from Tamara. NEED to jump on it!

  11. I like some oldies like A Prisoner of Zenda and Silas Marnier.

  12. Amber Garr's Waterproof an amazing New Adult Romantic Dystopian

  13. Ordinary Beauty by Laura Wiess.. Well, all her books are great. Happy Blogoversary!

  14. Happy blogoversary, Mary! More blogging years to come. ;) Hmm .. a book recommendation? Try Guys Are Props Club or Girls Are Players (it's a sort of sequel but can be read w/o reading the 1st one). Both books are written by Ingrid Seymour. And oh, Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Of Poseidon by Anna Banks and Altered by Jennifer Rush are all great books.

  15. The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare!

  16. Happy blogoversary!
    Wish you many,many wonderful and successful years :)
    My recommendation is Dancing with Paris by Juliette Sobanet- fantastic read! :)

  17. Anything by Patrick Ness, especially The Knife of Never Letting Go!

  18. I would like to recommend The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson. This is one of my favorites. :)

  19. The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons
    (Ileana A.-rafflecopter)

  20. I don't read a lot of YA, the only one that comes to mind is Pawn, so if you haven't read that one you should. Another one I loved and think people should read is Written in Red by Anne Bishop. It was amazing!

  21. The mortal instruments by Cassandra Clare! :)

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  22. Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone was amazing! I highly recommend it.

  23. Happy Blogoversary!!! :D

    Check out The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton (in-fact recently she posted on Facebook that she was looking for reviewers to have some new reviews on her book for new year)

  24. for ya, i enjoyed life in outer space by melissa keil and me before you by jojo moyes this year! ty for the giveaway!

    jenn @ hello, rigby!

  25. The Prophecy by Erin Albert, awesome high fantasy! But hands off Nash!!!
