
13 December 2013

Novella Review: Phoenix Overture by Jodi Meadows

Rating: 5 stars
Pub Date: September, 2013
Publisher: Harper Impulse
Genre: young adult fantasy, adventure
Format/Source: Kindle ebook, my own copy
Status: #2.5 in the Newsoul trilogy

In the wilds around the Community where Sam and his family have taken shelter, life is dangerous. Dragons, trolls, centaurs, and other monsters fill the world. The word comes from the council that everyone must leave and journey to rescue their leader, Janan, who has been abducted by a mysterious new enemy in the north. Faced with overwhelming threats that bring death and destruction, Sam and the others reach the northern Range and, reunited with Janan, are given an unimaginable opportunity. Although it would give them the privilege to live and learn and love without fear, the choice is not without its own dire consequences. And lives—though not theirs—are sure to be lost. Just how much are they willing to give up to save themselves?


I'm going to go ahead and warn you right now. Ana is not in this novella. At all. No awesome Samana kissing scenes. Total bummer, I know. Now get over it. Those two crazy kids make out enough in Incarnate. And Asunder. And Infinite, apparently. Phoenix Overture is Sam's story so give our boy a chance. Not only do we meet young Sam, but events that transpire in Phoenix directly relate to the primary plot of the trilogy. Basically, this is the origin story of the trilogy. Is it 100% essential to read? You can read the trilogy and not read Phoenix, and you'll still know what's going on. BUT WHY WOULD YOU NOT READ IT?! 1. Sam. 2. You know all that crazy stuff that went down at the end of both Incarnate and Asunder? You figure out why all that happened. 3. Sam. 4. Sam is taken, but did you know Sam had a brother? I sure didn't, but now I'm in love. 5. Sam's brother is single. Awww, yeah. Reasons 6-5342583. Sam. All Sam, all the time.

I think the best part of Phoenix Overture really is the added depth to Sam's character. Sam has, to put it lightly, serious daddy issues. Also some mommy issues, but we'll call it 84-16 dad-to-mom issue ratio. He has a lot of baggage. Sam is so open, so kind, so loving in Incarnate and Asunder. To see what he overcame to become that way is really inspiring. It's so weird because he's a timid boy and not the musical virtuoso in Phoenix, but we get to witness his evolution into a more confident man. Plus, we get to see lots of adorable scenes with his big brother Fayden (dibsity dibs!) and the moment he becomes friends with Stef.

The other great part of Phoenix Overture really is the origin story. Janan being a macho and mucho pain in the butt? Check. Other characters from Incarnate and Asunder being directly involved in the events that caused the tilogy? Check. The creation of the epic Sam-vs-the-dragons battle across the millenia? CHECK.

While this novella doesn't showcase the amazing Jodi Meadows patent romance, it does show off Jodi's awesome epic fantasy-writing skills. There's adventure and danger and so. many. feels. I sobbed openly during the last two and a half chapters and yelled at my tablet for the last one. So...yeah. Prepare to have your heart ripped out and drooled on by an acid-spitting dragon. You know what? Worth it. I am now more excited for Infinite than ever!

Book Links:

About the Author:
Jodi Meadows lives and writes in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, with her husband, a Kippy*, and an alarming number of ferrets. She is a confessed book addict, and has wanted to be a writer ever since she decided against becoming an astronaut.

*A Kippy is a cat.
Author Links:


  1. The best part about novellas is when they add to the story. Even better, when characters get more developed. This to me, is a successful novella!

  2. I finally read Incarnate this year and I LOVED it. I will definitely be reading this novella once I finish Asunder. Sam <3 Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  3. Yeah.... as soon as Sam's brother was mentioned I immediately thought "Jodi will be extra cruel to him cause he's related to Sam!"

  4. Great review!! I need to read this novella still. I love this series. <3
