
17 December 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #28: New-to-Me Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week the girls at B&B think up a fun theme, and participating bloggers post their favorite 10 books in that category. This week's theme is

Top Ten Authors I'd Never Read Before 2013
I've read a lot of authors for the first time this year, and, like always, it was really difficult to just narrow it down to ten. I had to rack my brain for the authors of the most un-put-downable books that I read, the authors whose 2014 books are in a dead tie for the Give it Now or I'll Cut You award, the authors whose books and characters dominate a lot of my TTTs and WoWs and book survey answers. I'm including links to my reviews of their work to give more extensive reasons why I love them.

1. Elana K. Arnold. Elana was such a surprise to me. I saw Burning on Netgalley and thought it looked good and had a reallly cool summary. This was in my early NG days so I didn't get very many approvals. I was SO shocked when Random House not only approved me, but offered a copy for me to giveaway. That blew my mind, and then Burning turned out to be freaking AMAZING, which is why it made my top 10 of 2013...part 1. Burning review here.

2. Leigh Bardugo. Somehow, I missed Shadow and Bone when it came out, but I got on the train for Siege and Storm! My one regret is that Leigh was actually here in Dallas a few months ago, and I missed out on that event, dangit. *facepalm* *headdesk* But hey, maybe that shirtless grudge match I keep requesting that she write will happen. That would make it all better. :D Siege and Storm review here.

3. Rachel Harris. Rachel has become such a dear friend this year. I am a proud card-carrying member of the Flirt Squad, Rachel's street team. It's not just that Rachel is a great woman and amazing friend, but she's always a lovely writer. Her ya and adult novels alike turn me into a giggly, melty romantic puddle. A Tale of Two Centuries review here.

4. Katie McGarry. Katie's writing is magical. I stayed up late for days reading through the entire Pushing the Limits series. I am desperate for Take Me On and any and all future books in the series. Especially if Logan happens to get his own book. Crash Into You review here.

5. Marissa Meyer. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to meet Marissa this year. She's lovely, and her books are so creative and fun! Cinder was great, Scarlet was greater, and Cress is (so far) the greatest! I have no doubt Winter will continue the trend and make for a fantastic ending! Marissa is actually the only author on this list whose books I haven't formally reviewed, but I will be doing an audiobook review for Cinder and a review of Cress very soon as well as posting a guest review for Cinder so hopefully that makes up for lost time!

6. Rainbow Rowell. I haven't looked at any other TTT posts today because of work, but I have a feeling Rainbow probably dominated the lists. Both Eleanor & Park and Fangirl were engaging, relatable, clever books. Fangirl really did sound like a fictionalized account of my first couple years of college because it was so familiar to me! Another 2013 favorite! Fangirl review here.

7. Andrew Smith. I've spent the past 6 months talking about how amazing Winger is. You really should read it. I stayed up way too late finishing it and spent 30 minutes afterward crying myself to sleep (but that's always a good thing so don't let that scare you). Andrew is another author I'm glad I met at TLA, and I'm super stoked to see him again in 2014! Winger review here.

Cheating: It wouldn't be Top Ten(ish) Tuesday if I didn't include more than ten on my list so I'm including three writing duos who blew my mind this year.

8 & 9. Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner. These Broken Stars is incredible! From the gorgeous cover to the beautiful words inside, it's an absolutely stunning work of art! I love that Amie and Megan were able to flawlessly blend their styles and their concepts to create a book that is chock full of great inspiration but also wholly unique. These Broken Stars review here.

10 & 11. Cat Patrick & Suzanne Young. Just Like Fate was another surprise digital approval. I absolutely LOVED it. It's yet another best of 2013 for me. I loved the whole sliding doors device, and it got me excited to find more novels like it. I haven't read Cat's solo work yet, but I did read Suzanne's The Program, which was also a great, original story. Very excited to see more by both these ladies! Just Like Fate review here & The Program review here.

12 & 13. Joanne & Karen Rock aka J.K. Rock. Rachel spoke very highly of these lovely ladies and their darling novel Camp Boyfriend. I am so glad I pushed everything aside to read it. Camp Boyfriend is a cute and fluffy but also substantial contemporary romance. I immediately joined up with the Rock Stars, Joanne & Karen's street team, and it was most definitely the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Congrats on your "Camp Christmas" release day, ladies!!!! Camp Boyfriend review here.


  1. Love Leigh Bardugo!!! So so so good! She'll be your way again, and you'll see her! <3 Katie McGarry, love her! I cannot WAIT for TAKE ME ON, ahh! Marissa Meyer, love her so much! Can't WAIT for WINTER! I'm reading Rainbow Rowell right now...and yep, she dominated lists! Her and A.G. Howard are the two I saw the most! Kasie West are fairly frequent, too. I just finished reading ELEANOR AND PARK yesterday and am reading FANGIRL now! I waited so long because I didn't super-love ATTACHMENTS over the summer! I'm excited about FANGIRL because it sounds like me, too! Go you and I!

  2. I was late to the Grisha series, but it's one of the best surprises of the year for me. It's so freaking awesome, I can't even. Waiting for Ruin and Rising is soooo hard. I really enjoyed Crash Into You by Katie McGarry too. It's definitely my favorite of the series. I feel like all of them deserving happiness, but especially Isaiah. I've only read Rainbow Rowell's YA stuff, but I'm definitely plan on branching out soon. I'm making it a mission to read everything that she publishes, and also owning them as well. Hopefully I can start Marissa Meyer's series during winter break. I have all three books in my possession right now and I just need to hunker down and get to reading. Great list!!!

  3. I just read Winger!! LOVED IT!! I love books with male m/c's and that one was special. Katie McGarry was on my list last year. I was a little disappointed w/ Dare You To... but I hope I love Take Me On and Crash Into You better. Anyway awesome list and I hope to read Cinder in 2014 so I can see what all the fuss is about :)

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

  4. You're right, I think Rainbow Rowell really is dominating the lists this week! I think she's been on just about every TTT I've seen, whether YA focused or not. (And deservedly so -- she's so amazing!) I've really been wanting to read Winger -- must bump it higher on my TBR list. Great list!!

    Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies

  5. Awesome picks! I cannot wait to start Bardugo and Rowell, I heard so many positive things about both. Young is on my TBR as well, especially her novel The Program. :)
    Happy reading!

  6. Wouldn't it be fun if someone combined all of our lists to come up with a Big List? I bet Rainbow would be on that one for this year.

  7. I really want to read Marissa Meyer's series. I haven't started it yet, but it has been on my TBR list forever. I have seen Andrew Smith on several top ten lists this week. I should probably check him out as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!!!

  8. I read Cinder this year too! I'd heard so many great things about it so I HAD to pick it up. I'm glad you thought Burning was good because I was kind of iffy about it but now I think I'll read it.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Rainbow Rowell made it on my list too! I have yet to read Cinder, though I've heard a lot about it.

    Thanks for stopping by Spun With Words. :)

  10. There's some great ones on that list. Rainbow Rowell made mine as well. So behind on her as well!

  11. I love Rainbow Rowell! My favourite book of hers is Fangirl :)
