
25 January 2014

Weekly wrap-up: January 19-25

Right this very moment I'm at YAKFest 2014! This has been a stellar week with my first events of 2014, and things are only picking up from here. I didn't get a ton of reading done, but I was able to complete a lot of behind-the-scenes blog work. I'm so excited for you guys to see what's coming next! Expect more event recaps because I've got at least one a week for the next few weeks as well as a back log that I wasn't able to post in December like I wanted. How was your week?

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine #1) - Ransom Riggs: 3.5 stars. This book is both interesting and well-written, it's just....exceedingly peculiar indeed and quite dense. There's so much going on, monsters and time travel and supernatural powers and lots of characters that it made it somewhat tough to get through.
Side Effects May Vary - Julie Murphy: 5 stars. I've been wanting to read SEMV since April 2013. I was not disappointed. This isn't cute and fluffy contemporar. It's angry and cruel and absolutely brilliant. I can't wait for everyone to read it.

Daughter of Smoke & Bone audiobook (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #1) - Laini Taylor & Khristine Hvam: 5 STARS! This is a very cinematic book so it makes total sense that the audiobook would be as dramatic and lovely. Khristine is a wonderful narrator. Her voices for each character are spectacular, and even her regular narrating voice for non-dialogue makes the words come alive and sparkle. Truly a masterpiece!

Currently Reading:
 Incarnate - Jodi Meadows. I am SO BEHIND on the #IncarnateReadAThon! But I'm very happy I'm participating at least a little. I'd forgotten so much! Also, I'm liking it much, much more this second time around that I know I'm going to bump my rating up from the 3 stars I originally rated it.
Days of Blood & Starlight audiobook - Laini Taylor
Evertrue (Everneath #3) - Brodi Ashton. Oh my gosh. On page 20, Jack kicks in a door and rips a safe out of the wall. I had to put the book down and get fresh air because I was having so many naughty thoughts about him at that moment.

New to my bookshelf this week:
NADA! It's always a crazy week when I manage to not get a book from the library. But then I bought a whole bunch so this doesn't count quite as much

Once again, a motley assortment of books collected from Half Price Books, Amazon, and Book Outlet! Oh, and Target.

The only book not included in the picture is Incarnate by Jodi Meadows which I bought for Kindle. I mean, it was $1.99. SALE ON SAM!

Thank you, Harper Collins!!
Say What You Will - Cammie McGovern

Thank you, Sourcebooks Fire!
The Summer I Wasn't Me - Jessica Verdi

Thank you to Macmillan/Farrar Strauss & Giroux!
On the Road to Find Out - Rachel Toor

Thank you, Penguin/Razorbill!
Tsarina - J. Nelle Patrick (aka Jackson Pearce). YAY! I've been wanting this one since day one!
Events Attended:
Ransom Riggs signing (Hollow City tour) @ B&N in Frisco, TX. 1/22
YAK Fest @ Keller High School in Ft Worth, TX. 1/25


  1. Nice book haul! I loved Peregrine's so much. It is one of my favorite books ever! I pre-ordered Hollow City which is something I never do. I usually buy ebooks but for this series you really need the paper version! :)

  2. ll those books look great! I can' t wait to read Everture. I just got a copy of Hemlock and I can't wait to read it.

  3. Great Haul, I hope you enjoy Blood Red Road.
    Looking forward to reading all about the events you attended.

  4. aaah such a great selection of books! I've heard fantastic things about Winger! :D

  5. Nice haul! This is usually what mine look like especially when I go to target for something like cat food but I end up buying books :3

  6. What's this I see? A signed copy of The Impossible Knife of Memory? Cue the jealousy.

  7. Ahh! I hope you are having a blast of YAK fest!! Thats awesome and you got so many awesome books this week!! Great!

    Happy Reading!

    My Weekly Wrap Up post

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  8. YAKFest! WOW! That's awesome. I actually thought about driving down there from Oklahoma but ended up having to work instead. Boo :( I'm really excited to hear that you loved SEMV! I actually just won a copy on twitter on Friday, and I've been dying to get my hands on a copy so I'm wickedly ecstatic to get it in the mail! *sits by mailbox in anticipation* And look at all the pretty new books!!I recently got Hollow City, but haven't had a chance to pick it up yet!! Hemlock was a book that really surprised me last year..definitely not your typical werewolf story, but I loved it nonetheless. Thornhill is just as good!! Oh I hope you enjoy Tsarina. I haven't heard any reviews on it yet, but my hopes are high for this one!! Also jealous you got to meet Ransom! He came to Tulsa last monday, but of course, I couldn't make it because I didn't find out until the last minute! I wish he would've stopped in OKC as well, but alas, it was not meant to be! Wow, I didn't realize how much I rambled on here!! Haha anyways have a great week Mary!! :D

    xo, Becca @Pivot Book Reviews

  9. Thank you for sharing some of your reviews! I wanted to read Side Effects May Vary - Julie Murphy but now I may just pick it up sooner! I also am addicted to book outlet, I buy and re-buy books from that site all the time! Love your new book stash, thank you for sharing!!!
