
02 February 2014

New Feature Alert!

As many of you know, Mary Had a Little Book Blog recently turned one. I decided that it was time for me to start including some more original features to my blog. Last year, I tried out my Listmania Monday feature, which worked for a while, but I had a hard time keeping it going. Research for it was very time consuming, and I just didn't see it going anywhere. If I think of any more good topics, I may resurrect it, but it certainly won't be a regular feature on here anymore (and honestly, it hasn't been for a few months). I also participate in Top Ten Tuesday and Waiting on Wednesday, which are fun, but they're extremely popular and common features on lots of blogs. I love how I get to pick what books to feature for both and the way that TTT lists can be so vastly different, but for a while I've been wanting to do some me-only regular features. So today, I'd like to introduce you to the two new features that will be popping up around here.

Thus far, my blog has felt more like me talking at people. Comments are primarily posted for TTT & WoW posts or giveaways, which is nice, but I'd like to start fostering discussion, a two-way conversation with you, my readers. So my first new feature is called Mary's Minute, which will be a discussion feature. I'll pick a bookish topic and give you my 2 cents on it, and then I'd love to hear your reactions and thoughts.

Secondly, long-time readers will also know that last year I got into audiobooks in a big way. I was never a fan before now, but with my long raaaaage-inducing commute, I've discovered that audiobooks are a perfect way to 1. keep reading in the car so as to not waste valuable reading time; 2. reread books I don't have time to physically pick up; and 3. keep my TEXAS-DRIVERS-ARE-SO-BEEPING-STUPID road rage in check (ad yes, I did mean beeping. Get it? Like a car horn? Get it? Sorry, I'll stop now). So my second new feature is Audio Adventures, where I'll talk audiobooks, do some reviews, and hopefully, feature some samples if I can figure out how to do that.

I haven't decided on an exact time frame for these yet, but I'm considering alternating bi-weekly (as in every other week) posts. I would love to see how you all react to them so please please please give me lots of feedback! Thoughts & comments? Fire away!


  1. I love the idea of Audio Adventures, the idea of reading in the car is fantastic, I really should try that out myself.
    Good luck :)

  2. I like Mary's Minute, it's fun to discuss books. ;)

  3. I always love new features!!! Can't wait :D

  4. I'm starting to love audiobooks more. It gives me the opportunity to give a book a second chance. That is how my hate for Cinder became a love for it. There is an audiobook challenge, if you want to check that out!

  5. Both features sounds great! I'm not really into audiobooks because I find it hard to find time to listen to them, but I would like try a few and could use your advice as to what ones are really good.

  6. Somehow this escaped my notice til your March Madness post! I think both of those are grand ideas. (: I'm getting ready to roll out two new features too. As long as things work out how I'm planning them.
