
11 February 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #36: Swoony Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week the girls at B&B think up a fun theme, and participating bloggers post their favorite 10 books in that category. This week's theme is

Top Ten Books That Make Me Swoon
I have a feeling this week's topic is a make-up for last week's topic and ALL THE FEELS it brought up. Thanks a lot, Jamie. :P


Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Although this list isn't ranked, I did put this book first because its swoons are real swoons. I always say I want my book boyfriends to be real, but the cool thing is that Levi from Fangirl really could be real, and I want one of my own. Watching Levi and Cath's relationship go from virtual strangers to friends to more-than-friends-but-not-quite-boyfriend-and-girlfriend to more is just beautiful. Plus, every word out of Levi's mouth makes me want to snuggle with him. Review here.

Just Like Fate by Cat Patrick & Suzanne Young. This is another lovely example of a good guy who could be real. I love Chris and Caroline together. Their journey in this book is not perfect by far, but it's so lovely. Review here.

Shatter Me trilogy by Tahereh Mafi. This entire series is swoontastic. I mean, there's a freaking shower scene in Shatter Me. Geez, Tahereh. Also, I may not be Team Warner (I'm not. I'm really, really not), but good heavens, Chapter 62...yeah, wow. An author who can actually make me dig the guy I'm not rooting for in a love scene is bloody brilliant. Haven't read Ignite Me yet, but I have no doubt Tahereh brings the swoons. PS if you spoil me, I will murder you.

Newsoul trilogy by Jodi Meadows. This entire trilogy was one epic romance. Jodi wrote a really lovely post for Pub(lishing) Crawl last year about kissing scenes and how they must have a purpose and not be ever present. She's an expert on this subject because the kissing and the maybe-more-than-kissing in this series is so well done. It's sometimes subtle, sometimes overt. Sometimes hesitant and shy, sometiems confident and powerful. Sometimes naughty, sometimes innocent. Always, always very classy and written for maximum swoonage. I picked Infinite as the representative because it contains some of my favorite romantical scenes in the series. THE HAND SCENE, GUYS. Oh, gosh, I couldn't even with that scene. And nothing remotely naughty even happens in that scene; it's just awesome! Reviews here, here, and here (I haven't written Infinite's review yet).

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner. Oooh, I love a good love-hate-turned-to-love kind of relationship. Lilac and Tarver give me ALL THE FEELS for so many reasons, but their romance is so explosive, even in just a short amount of time. It's amazing how close two people can become when in life-threatening circumstances. Review here.


Pushing the Limits series by Katie McGarry. This is another series that is full of swoonage. The boys are absurdly (like, really, it's ridiculous) sexy, and the relationships are realistic and squishy-feeling inducing. I picked Dare You To to represent 1. because it is, in my opinion, the swooniest of the 3 (and a half), and 2. this cover itself is full of swoon. I showed my sister the cover and the copy cover (the image printed directly on the book), and we spent a goodly amount of time drooling over Ryan's biceps. Because GUH. Crash Into You review here.

Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols. I swoon over many of Jenn's books. It was a tough call between Going Too Far and Forget You, but Johnafter barely edges out Doug. I just love how broken Meg and John are and the way, with each other's help, they piece themselves back together. It's truly beautiful.

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo. Oooh, Leigh's boys always have me all hot and bothered. There's just so many of them! Sexy soldiers, sexy rock star pirates, sexy princes, and sexysexysexy bad guys. I honestly don't know who to swoon over so I swoon for them all. Shut up and take off your shirts, boys. Except you, Sturmhond. You can talk with your ridiculous swaggery words. I mean, really. I don't know how Alina can stand being around so many smexy men, but I don't envy her because their world is horrific. Oh, who am I kidding? I'd totally take the creepy nightmare monster thingies if it meant I got the guys. Review here.

Everneath trilogy by Brodi Ashton. Once again, I picked the book that made me swoon the most (and is my favorite of the three). Jack and Nikki's epic love is one of my favorite ships. I love Everbound in particular because it showcased the beginning of their relationship, before all the bad stuff, and that was adorable. That's not to say Everneath and Evertrue weren't also swoony. Jack ripping a safe out a wall made my knees week. Good times. Review here.

Cress by Marissa Meyer. I am shameless. I do love the entire series, and Scarlet & Wolf on the train in Scarlet is ohhhh so spectacular, but Cress makes this list for one reason: Captain. Carswell. Thorne. GUH. Be still my fangirly heart. Thorne steals the show, he really does. And while I'd love to say I love Cress and Thorne together (I actually really do), their chemistry is more cute than rip-their-clothes-off-hot. Thorne, though. Thorne is the kind of guy who, if he weren't fictional, would end up covered in women's undergarments on a regular basis. Some of them mine. #dontjudgeme

New Adult picks:

One & Only by Viv Daniels. This is an example of a new adult done right, and the reason is that Viv is actually Diana Peterfreund, who is super crazy talented. Although I don't want them to overrun the market, I do enjoy stories where the characters know each other, spend time apart, and then come back together. Tess and Dylan's romance is...troubled. Other than their insane chemistry, nothing comes easy for these two, and they make some pretty bad mistakes that normally would have me hating them. However, with these two, I knew it wasn't a mark of being bad people so I was rooting for them the whole time. Also, closet. Also, baklava. Also, countertop makeout. That is all. Review here.

Wait for You series by J. Lynn. I'm so glad I started reading JLA/J. Lynn novels. She has a way of getting under readers' skin. Her characters are all dynamic, and that makes for some truly incredible romance. Cam & Avery, Teresa & Jase... I love these stories. They're guilty pleasures without the guilt! Can't wait for her short set in this world coming out in 50 First Times and, of course, Stay With Me! Reviews here and here.

Adult picks:

Playing Dirty by Jennifer Echols. For years, I was all about Jenn's ya comedies and then dramas so it was really cool last year to see her break into the adult world. Star Crossed was good, but oh, Playing Dirty is soooooo very delicious and swoony and yes, a little dirty. In the best way, of course. Sarah and Quentin have ah-mazing chemistry, and it leads to some steamy scenes!

Taste the Heat by Rachel Harris. I know a lot of people prefer Seven Day Fiancé because Cane is a sexpot, but I actually prefer Jason and Colby in Taste the Heat. It's a more natural feeling relationship. There are so many warm fuzzies in addition to toe-curling sexy times. Plus, like One & Only, it features characters who are meeting again after a long time apart. I like watching the evolution of relationships, not just the instant attraction featured so heavily in fiction of any genre these days.

Let's be real. I could go on all day about swoony books and boys, but I suppose I'd better cap it there. What (or who) are your picks for today? Share those links!


  1. Katie McGarry defintiely writes hot swoon-worthy guys!! Pushing the Limits made my list and I thought about putting Isaiah and Ryan on there too even though I didn't like those books near as well as PTL. I also <3 Levi and want one of my own!! Wouldn't that be awesome!?!?!

    My TTT

  2. Great list!! I almost included Fangirl, but I ran out of spots. I still need to read the Everneath series and Marissa Meyer's books. They have been on my TBR list forever. I'm excited to see that they qualify as swoon worthy!! I may have to bump them up the TBR list :)

    Here is my TTT:

  3. Fangirl, Cress, and Unravel Me made my list, too. Great list! :)

    Here's my TTT:

  4. Definitely been hearing a lot of great things about Fangirl. Thinking I should probably give it a try.
    This is a great list! Shatter Me trilogy was a very good choice!

    - Elizabeth @ Redhead Reader

  5. OMG this is such a great list!! I can't just choose one. But so far, the Lunar Chronicles has been perfect!

  6. Dare Your To and Everbound are two of my favorites. <3 great list!! <3

  7. Got to agree with your list here! I love so many books on here, that I won't bother to list them all :-)
    Will have to check out the rest though!

  8. Great list! I completely agree with Unravel Me and Cress! Man, I LOVE Captain Thorne!

    My Top Ten

  9. There are so many books on this list that I want to read! I thought I'd get to Fangirl for Valentine's but started reading a horror novel instead! What does that say about me? ;)
