
12 February 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: The Forever Song

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases.

The Forever Song
Blood of Eden #3
by Julie Kagawa
Harlequin Teen
April 15, 2014


Allison Sekemoto once struggled with the question: human or monster?

With the death of her love, Zeke, she has her answer.


Allie will embrace her cold vampire side to hunt down and end Sarren, the psychopathic vampire who murdered Zeke. But the trail is bloody and long, and Sarren has left many surprises for Allie and her companions—her creator, Kanin, and her blood brother, Jackal. The trail is leading straight to the one place they must protect at any cost—the last vampire-free zone on Earth, Eden. And Sarren has one final, brutal shock in store for Allie.

In a ruined world where no life is sacred and former allies can turn on you in one heartbeat, Allie will face her darkest days. And if she succeeds, triumph is short-lived in the face of surviving forever alone.

Why I want it:
Oh, boy. This series. When The Immortal Rules came out, I was kind of worried about it. I had enjoyed the Iron Fey series, but it wasn't a favorite, and also, combining vampires and a dystopian/post-apocalyptic world was a pretty risky move considering vampires were on the decline and dystopian was in its hey-day. I wondered how on earth this series would manage to stand out among all the others. I worried for nothing. I was immediately drawn in to this gritty story. I love Allie, who is one of the strongest ya protagonists ever. She's so incredibly brave and unendingly loyal. I'm also a big fan of Kanin and Zeke, who are both yummy in their own ways. I'm 100% emotionally invested in this story, and the end of The Eternity Cure ripped my heart out and stomped on it while I watched helplessly. Basically, I'm pretty desperate for this final installment!

Why I think you should want it:
If you're looking for a book that will probably destroy you emotionally, I firmly suggest this as a candidate. It's so well-written. Julie's talent ratcheted up with this world. There's also a surprising amount of dark humor in it, which is really entertaining. Jackal is a jackass, but he adds a lightness to the story that it wouldn't have otherwise. All of the characters are well-rounded and dynamic, even Sarren, who is the kind of psychopathic antagonist you can't do anything but hate. I mean total loathing here. You don't have to worry about pitying him or attempting to feel glad about his possible redemption. Nope. Total baddie in the best way. He's like a vampiric Voldemort, and I love it! Also, this series is a return to more traditional vampiric lore. The vamps need blood, and there's not a whole lot of daywalking going on. Critics of all the liberties ya authors have taken with vampire legend should be appeased with Julie's vampires. They are cold and ruthless. Just thinking about it gives me chills. Seriously, give this series a chance because it's incredible.

Have you read the other two books in the Blood of Eden series? What did you think? Are you anticipating The Forever Song as much as I am? As always, please share your picks for WoW and your links!


  1. I just read the first book and I love it. I need to catch up and I love the Iron Fey series as well. <3

  2. I'm not sure I'm ready to be destroyed emotionally! Lol! I'll save this series for when I feel prepared.

  3. So very excited for this one!! The Eternity Cure absolutely hooked me!

  4. Great pick for this week. I read The Immortal Rules and loved it and really ended up falling in love with Julie Kagawa's writing style. Haven't continued on with the series just yet, but I did buy the second book right after it came out and probably will do the same with the third book. And what a pretty, purple cover :D
