
25 June 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: Burning Kingdoms by Lauren DeStefano

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases.

Burning Kingdoms
Internment Chronicles #2
by Lauren DeStefano
Coming March 10, 2015
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

After escaping through the bottom of Internment, Morgan and her fellow fugitives aboard the great mechanical bird land on the ground to finally learn what has lived beneath their floating island home all these eons.

The ground is a strange place where water falls from the sky as snow, and customers watch moving pictures and visit speakeasies. A place where families can have as many children as they want, their dead are buried in vast gardens of bodies, and Internment is the feature of an amusement park.

It is also a land at war.

Everyone who fled Internment had their own reasons to escape their corrupt haven. But caught under the watchful eye of another king that wants to dominate his world, they wonder if coming to the ground will drag Internment down with them.

Why I want it:
I SHIP BASIL AND MORGAN SO HARD PLEASE MAKE OUT AND ALSO DON'T DIE (it's a Lauren DeStefano book so you know that's always a possibility) THAT IS ALL.

Why I think you should want it:
The world depicted in the Internment Chronicles is this cool almost-retro wannabe-utopian society that clearly has much wrong with it, but the events at the end of Perfect Ruin make it obvious that the world will be drastically different in Burning Kingdoms. It's hard to say very much about this series in detail because its mysteries are part of what make it so unique and awesome. I love the characters. I love the romance. I love the danger and the excitement and how much Lauren's writing makes me feel! If you would like to read more about the reasons I love this series, feel free to check out my 5 star review of Perfect Ruin here

So this is my pick for the week? What are you waiting on most impatiently this week?


  1. Sadly, I haven't gotten to Perfect Ruin yet, but now I'm very curious about the romance. :)

  2. Yes!! If I participated in WoWs this would also be my choice. I requested the eARC on Edelweiss and was DENIED. Wha... wha... wha..., but this book may just spuur me on to write my very first publisher email request. I love Lauren's books; in fact Wither was the first YA story I (knowingly) read as an adult. It breaks my heart when I see bad reviews because the reader thinks there should be tons more romance in her books. I think she includes just the right amounts to complement her storylines, which always have a message buried inside them. I too ship Morgan and Basil, and am anticipating some of that Destefano well placed romance between them in Burning Kingdoms.

  3. She is quite amazing. This is a great pick. And that cover!???!?!!!! Fantabulous
