
30 April 2015

Second Chance Challenge Friday night a few weeks ago, I was out with Karen of Teen Librarian Toolbox and her wonderful children. This, actually, is quite a common occurrence. Our usual MO is to meet for dinner (preferably Italian food from Tony's because FIVE DOLLOR CALZONES) and then drive together to the flagship Half Price Books where all four of us wander the aisles to find bookish goodies. This particular night, the Tween was delighted to see a display of Maggie Stiefvater's The Dream Thieves which has been present since Maggie's visit during the book tour in 2013. I remarked that I'd never finished reading The Raven Boys, and boy, the look of betrayal on Tween's face! Tween and I get along swimmingly, but she couldn't believe that a book that meant so much to her was one I had become bored with after 70 pages and put down.
Karen and I discussed the incident on Twitter, and I remarked that I did one day want to attempt The Raven Boys again because so many of my friends dearly love the series. Thus: the Second Chance Challenge was created.
What we are exploring is the way a story you either didn't like or that simply didn't resonate with you at one point in your life might become a story you like or even love after some time has passed. I'm giving The Raven Boys another shot, and while I don't know which book Karen is reading, I know her TLT cohorts are Half-Blood Prince, Feed, and Looking for Alaska a chance to wow them the second time around.
Sound like a cool idea? Here's how you can join: write a blog post or share your story on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Youtube/Tumblr/Goodreads/etc about a book you'd like to give a second chance to. Between May 1-9, make some time for your SCC book and track your progress. Be sure to tag everything with #SecondChanceChallenge so we can cheer you on!!

1 comment:

  1. Raven Boys was my Second Chance read (or audio). I am glad I did because I love the series and am waiting for the next to come out. For some reason it just took a bit to get into the story.
