
04 November 2015

Introducing.... the 2015 YA Choice Awards!

It's that time of year again when we all take time to reflect, and being the bookish nerds we are, we tend to reflect a lot on the books we've read. Publishers Weekly already has their list of best of 2015. I'm sure every other major media outlet will do the same shortly. Meanwhile, Goodreads, literally the best and worst of all things bookish, has started voting for the 2015 Goodreads Choice Awards.

So what's the problem? Oh, I don't know... maybe because 2015 isn't over and there are still books being published? Maybe because there's at least one contender that isn't even out yet AND didn't have arcs so anyone voting on it isn't voting based on their experience actually reading it? Maybe because there are only two young adult categories? And heck, maybe just because Goodreads didn't allow readers the ability to nominate their favorites!

This isn't the VMAs. It's not the Grammys, the Oscars, the Emmys. It takes more than four minutes to read a book. Readers need the time to thoughtfully read and consider each book in the grand scheme of everything they've read this year to truly pick a favorite. And if there's anything we know about ya readers, it's that we're a voracious lot. I've read over 100 books this year, and I know some who have read over 200 or even 300, and it's NOT EVEN DECEMBER. Picking a favorite often makes us feel like our hearts are shattering into tiny shards, but that doesn't mean we're on board with awards that leave out amazing titles while giving others an unfair advantage.

So this year I decided to do something. I'll be hosting the 2015 YA Choice Awards, which will celebrate ALL young adult books published in 2015. I'm still working out most of the rules and logistics (AAAAGGGGHHHH), but for now, I need your help!

I would really like the focus of these awards to be on the BOOKS, not characters, friendships, romances, and especially not authors (Epic Reads does a really lovely annual award that includes all those things). The first thing I'd like to do is determine the number of genres/voting categories so that we (I) have a jumping off point. I have compiled a list so please select those you would like to be included, but if you have any suggestions, I am open to those and have space for that as well as any other comments you may have.

When I announced this endeavor, many of you have voiced your excitement and support, which is AMAZING, and I am so grateful to you. Thank you also to everyone who has offered to help. There are actually two things you can do: 1. SPREAD THE WORD! I really want this to be an award that ALL YA readers will want to take part of. Age doesn't matter. If you blog or vlog or whatever doesn't matter. YA readers are welcome here! It's the People's Choice of YA books! Feel free to use #YAChoiceAwards to help tell your friends. 2. If anyone would like to contribute some awesome graphics, please let me know by email (it's above, in Contact Me) or on Twitter.

Aaaand, that's it for now! It's still just November so more complete details about nominations and actual voting will come later.

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