
04 March 2013

Birthday Bonanza Giveaway

Check HERE for open giveaways

So first of all, let me apologize for not being around so much and my lack of posting during February. My work schedule and family business has been CRAZY so unfortunately, my new blog had to take a bit of a backseat. :( I'm hoping that's not going to happen again, and I'm trying to take some actions to safeguard against that.

Now, in lieu of my weekly Listmania post, I thought I'd so something much cooler and more fun. See, tomorrow, March 5 is my 25th birthday! It's kind of the end of an era and the beginning of another. That's why I thought I'd do another giveaway! Two of my favorite authors are having book birthdays tomorrow: Lauren Oliver is finishing up the Delirium trilogy with Requiem and Claudia Gray is publishing the first book in her long-awaited new series Spellcaster. End of one series, beginning of another. Perfect books to give away on my quarter-of-a-century.

So ONE lucky winner will receive:
1 ebook copy of Requiem

1 ebook copy of Spellcaster

And I'm even going to throw in a copy of Kiera Cass's new Selection novella, The Prince, which also celebrates its book bday tomorrow!

1. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL. 2. The ebooks will be sent through Amazon's Kindle page. You do not need to have an actual Kindle to enter as there are all sorts of Kindle apps for computers, phones, and tablets. So spread the word and be quick: this birthday giveaway only lasts until the clock strikes 12 tomorrow night! That gives you guys 24 hours! Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. OMG what a great giveaway! I am so excited about Requiem! Book 2 ended on such a cliffhanger I can't wait to read book 3!

    and I would love to have John Green attend any party I had. I met him when he did his book tour (with Hank!) and they were both so nice! And they were so funny!

    1. So I guess you'd have a nerdfighter themed party! I can't wait to read Requiem too. I have no idea how she's going to wrap up the series, and I seriously can't choose between boys! I love them both! Thanks for entering!

  2. I am FOR SURE most excited about Requiem!!!

    This is a wonderful giveaway :)

    1. Glad you could enter. I can't wait for Requiem either. My library copy is on its way and I'm just going to dive right in when it arrives!

  3. I would love to have Harry Potter and friends at my Birthday Party as well as J.K.Rowling! ha I just think that would be fun.... Voldemort is not welcome.. haha

    1. LOVE it! Mrs. Weasley would bring you a handmade sweater and the twins would cause all sorts of ruckus and chaos! ;)

  4. I'm excited about Requiem, for sure. Thank you so much for this competition!

    1. You're so welcome! Thanks for entering. I'm going to aim for monthly giveaways so I hope you'll stick around! :)

  5. I am excited to read Requiem. I think I waited long enough to read this book since the ending on the 2nd book.

    If I had to choose an author, I would have to pick Jennifer L. Armentrout , I am such a fan of her books and I really want to meet her.

    Btw thanks for having this awesome giveaway.

    1. I think Pandemonium left all of us in shock. I kind of wondered, though. Unless you see a dead body...

      A lot of people have been recommending JLA's Lux series so I think it's definitely going to need to be bumped up the TBR list.

      Thanks for entering!

  6. I am most excited to win Requiem!! I love this book series! And I would love to have Damon Salvatore, Will Herondale, and the Weasley twins at my birthday party because I know they would all make my party a blast with their humor!

    1. 1. Imagine that. You're excited for Requiem! Never would have guessed YOU of all people! :P 2. Yes, I'm so sure you would invite Damon and Will for their "humor". ;) 3. Can I be invited?!

  7. This is a trick, because I am equally excited about The Prince and Requiem. I LOVED Delirium, but for some reason, the Selection was one of my favorites of all time! I can't choose!!!!

    and I never read Spellbound so if I win, I guess I'll have to read that first! But I love finding new books :)

    1. Selection was so cool! I love the Hunger Games/Bachelor thing they've got going on. I finished The Prince the other day and it was really cute. Definitely a good read. Maxon's a real sweetie. I adored Claudia Gray's Evernight series and Fateful was really good too so I can't wait to get my hands on Spellcaster since it's something totally new.

  8. Hmmm, who would I want at my birthday party? This is a trick, but I'm in love with far too many book characters, and my husband might become jealous. So if we leave out all of the male characters that I adore and just choose fun characters, I'd have to go with.....

    *Puck and Grimalkin from the Iron Fey series
    *The Weasley twins
    *Magnus from the Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices
    *Suze from the Mediator (Meg Cabot)...always nice to have a girl that can kick booty if people misbehave
    *Meg Cabot (the author, because I adore her, and she's super fun)
    *Cinder and Scarlet from the Lunar Chronicles (They're just too awesome NOT to hang out with)
    *Some other authors I've met that I think I would enjoy hanging out with would be Ally Carter, Josephine Angellini, Stephanie Perkins, and Amy Plum. They were all pretty awesome!

    Now THAT would be a party! :)

    1. Puck would be TONS of fun. I can only imagine the hijinks he'd get up to with Fred & George. The three of them would be like the Awesome Triplets of Doom! Grim would roll his eyes around, quip some pithy and biting remarks before disappearing off to do cat things. LOVE Meg Cabot. I had the pleasure of meeting her at a signing 2 years ago and it was a blast. I'm dying to meet Ally Carter and the others. They seem like they'd be so much fun! Can I come to your party if/when it happens?!
