
11 March 2013

Listmania Monday: Gingers

At some point, blonds stopped being the butt of all hair-related jokes and gingers became the, well, red-headed stepchildren that everybody mocks mercilessly. However, redheads seem to be having a sudden resurgence in popularity with such representatives as Emma Stone, Isla Fisher, Prince Harry, Eddie Redmayne, Ariel, and Merida. As such, many ya authors are getting in on this red-hot ginger action and providing awesome redhaired characters for us to love. Who's your favorite? (If you said Fred Weasley, you are my favorite. Also, dibs!) As always, please let me know who I've left off!

Across the Universe trilogy (Revis) - Amy
All-American Girl duo (Cabot) - Samantha Martin
The Baby-Sitters Club series (Martin) - Mallory
The Chemical Garden trilogy/Wither (DeStefano) - Cecily
Clockwork Chronicles (Cross) - Emily
Eleanor & Park - (Rowell) - Eleanor
Evernight series (Gray) - Bianca
The Ex Games (Exhols) - Hayden
Fire (Cashore) - Fire
Forgive My Fins series (Childs) - Tellin
Harry Potter series (Rowling) - Weasley family
Hex Hall trilogy (Hawkins) - Elodie Parris
Howl's Moving Castle (Jones) - Sophie Hatter
The Hunger Games (Collins) - Foxface
Iron Fey series (Kagawa) - Puck
Jinx (Cabot) - Jinx
Meant to Be (Morrill) - Jason
Mediator series (Cabot) - David
The Mortal Instruments (Clare) - Clary and Joceline Fray
Nancy Drew series (Keene) - Nancy Drew (it's described as titian, which is a shade of red)
Ransom My Heart (Cabot) - Crais family
Reality Check (Calonita) - Brooke
Red - Alison Cherry
The Selection (Cass) - America
S.O.S. Titanic (Bunting) -  Flynn siblings, esp Pegeen
This is What Happy Looks Like (Smith) - Ellie
Twilight Saga (Meyer) - Edward Cullen (ish), Victoria
Unearthly (Hand) - Clara (#1 only)
Vampire Academy series (Mead) - Mason Ashford, Janine Hathaway

So...I think it's safe to say that Meg Cabot believes in the gingers! :D


  1. Although I'm a blonde I have always wanted to be a fiery redhead. I just think it is a kick-ass colour! :) Redheads are always shown as headstrong and brave!

  2. Cool list. I'm actually thankful I'm not a redhead, but I'm always drawn to them. My husband has red hair (as did my first husband/h.s. boyfriend...shhh). Am also drawn to many celebrities, from Axl Rose to Emma Stone. I always tell my husband that I'm going after Carrot Top if this whole thing doesn't work out. ;) They say the third times a charm. :)
