
18 June 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #2: Summer TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week the girls at B&B think up a fun theme, and participating bloggers post their favorite 10 books in that category. This week's theme is

Top of my summer TBR list

1. Awaken by Meg Cabot. MC has been one of my favorite authors since forever. I kind of gave up on the Princess Diaries when I got a little too old for them, but I've never outgrown my love of all things Cabot. The Abandon trilogy is no different. Not my favorite, but still exciting enough for me to be freaking out over book #3. ESPECIALLY after hearing some crazypants spoilers. After my required reading for a few upcoming blog tours, Awaken is #1 TBR.
Release date: July 2nd

2. Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols. Jennifer is another absolute favorite of mine. After meeting her at TLA, I'm just beside myself with fangirly joy. Some of it may have splashed all over Jen, for which I'm deeply ashamed and yet...not. Anyway, DLS is set in Nashville, which is hometown #2 for me, so I can't wait to visit in Jen's latest surely awesome romantic drama. Blog tour on July 8th and maybe, just maybe, you'll find a giveaway sometime around then too...Stay tuned!
Release date: July 16th

3. Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code: The Graphic Novel by Eoin Colfer, Andrew Donkin, Giovanni Rigano & Paolo Lamanna. If you pay attention to my Weekly and/or Monthly Wrap-Up posts, you may have noticed a ridiculous amount of graphic novel adataptions in my read and tbr lists. I'm really drawn to them right now. The art in the Artemis Fowl gns isn't my absolute favorite, but the cartoony drawings do fit better with the story than the realistic or manga-ish art I usually prefer. The Eternity Code is my favorite out of the AF series so I'm pretty stoked about seeing this adaptation in particular. Team Butler!
Release date: July 9th

4. The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa. Keeping with the eternal theme, I've been looking forward to this since The Immortal Rules. It must be tough to do a vampire novel on the downward spiral of the vampire wave, and tough to do a dystopian novel in the crest of the dystopian wave, but Kagawa has made a real winner with the Blood of Eden series. I like it so much better than The Iron Fey, even (blasphemy to Kagawa's fans, I know). Took my library a while to get this in, which is why I haven't read it yet. This one and Til the World Ends are tbr-asap, but I'm afraid I might not get to it before I have to take it back to the library. :(

5. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. Really liked Cinder and people say Scarlet's even better so bring it on! This whole slightly steampunk/futuristic/fairy tale twist thing Marissa's got going on is fantastic. You wouldn't think all these genres would fit, but they do fit oh so well. Probably will be read toward the latter half of summer, or a couple days before I have to return it to the library, whichever comes first.

6. Hourglass by Myra McEntire. I need to read this AND Timepiece quickly because I've heard such lovely things about them so I'd like to be able to get to them before/around Infinityglass's release. 

7. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. Talk about talked about. I hear Leigh Bardugo's name and The Grisha all over EVERYTHING. I snagged a copy of Siege and Storm at TLA so I really need to be a good reader/blogger/person and read the series already.

8. Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike. Another author whose reputation precedes her, but I haven't yet read any of her novels. So many friends, bloggers, and blogger friends swear by Aprilynne Pike's novels that I need to jump on this one quickly as well!

9. Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland. This title was raved about and nabbed very quickly at TLA. Color me convinced. I listen to recommendations, especially when they come as in-force as the books on this list. Nantucket is no exception.

10. Defy the Dark edited by Saundra Mitchell. The other non-novel format you can find most often on my read/tbr lists is the anthology. I lovelovelove anthologies right now. I think it's freaking fantastic that my favorite authors are writing more stories more often. Especially Beth Revis, who keeps popping out Across the Universe novellas like they're freaking candy. Well, I WANT CANDY HAPPYTHANKYOUMORE PLEASE. Ahem. Anywho, can't wait for this one. Hopefully my library will order it in a timely fashion.
Release date: TODAY!

Bonus book: Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. My brother is a DIE-HARD Sanderson fan so I grabbed this for him at TLA. He hasn't had much time to read it, but my brother-in-law (just like my brother in all ways) flew through it and pronounced it the Best Thing Ever. Another end-of-the-summer read, but I still want to get to it before fall.
Release date: September 24th


  1. Great pick! I really want to read the Abandon trilogy by Meg Cabot! And I'm already following you by GFC but I just followed you with bloglovin you with bloglovin as well :)
    K @ My Favorite Escape

    1. I really recommend it, K Marie! Thanks so much for your follow! I made sure to return the favor!

  2. Nice list! Eternity Code is my fav Artemis too! (: I added bloglovin. I'm not a fan so far. ): Didn't like having to pick other blogs to read. Luckily I had five that I already follow that I could add. Two are the same blog, just different set ups on her page haha. I'd have to say my list is:

    1. Inferno by Dan Brown (currently reading)
    2. If I Should Die by Amy Plum (currently reading)
    3. Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper (seriously, I'm in love with him)
    4. Prodigy by Marie Lu
    5. Across the Universe by Beth Revis
    6. Witches of East End by Melissa de la Cruz
    7. The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid (heard interview with him on BBC and thought it sounded like a good read)
    8. The White Queen by Philippa Gregory
    9. Divergent by Veronica Roth
    10. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
    Bonus books: the rest I've won from your giveaways and any and all sequels of the above (:

    1. Every time Anderson Cooper giggles, an invisible unicorn is born. Fantastic TBR list. LOVE Marie Lu, Beth Revis, and the Veronicas. :)

  3. Shadow and Bone is really good! The sequel just came out a week or two ago and it was amazing as well.

    1. I know! I actually already have #2 so I really need to go ahead and read #1. I've got it on hold at the library so it will be sometime in the next couple weeks.

  4. Great list! I'm looking forward to Steelheart. A lot of people really love it!
