
11 September 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Perfect Ruin

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases.

Perfect Ruin (Internment Chronicles #1)
by Lauren DeStefano
Coming October 1, 2013
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

On Internment, the floating island in the clouds where 16-year-old Morgan Stockhour lives, getting too close to the edge can lead to madness. Even though Morgan's older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. She tries her best not to mind that her life is orderly and boring, and if she ever wonders about the ground, and why it is forbidden, she takes solace in best friend Pen and her betrothed, Basil.

Then a murder, the first in a generation, rocks the city. With whispers swirling and fear on the wind, Morgan can no longer stop herself from investigating, especially when she meets Judas. He is the boy being blamed for the murder — betrothed to the victim — but Morgan is convinced of his innocence. Secrets lay at the heart of Internment, but nothing can prepare Morgan for what she will find — or who she will lose.

Why I want it:
Lauren blew us all away with her first series, The Chemical Garden aka Wither. It was original, fresh, a little (or a lot) disturbing. Lauren's writing is so descriptive and the emotions she's able to convey... It's impressive. Her stories are lovely, but haunting. They stay with you after you read them. Plus, there's
action, adventure, romance, danger, and a huge mystery to cap it all off. I have a feeling that the Internment Chronicles will be much the same.

Why I think you should want it:
When I say there was romance in The Chemical Garden series, I mean there were two verrrry lustable love interests. I'm sure that Basil and Judas are up for the challenge. Also, this summary should have you really excited because it looks really cool.


  1. I am SO excited about this series too! I can't wait for Perfect Ruin to release!!!

    1. I loved the Chemical Garden so I have a feeling this one will be great too!

  2. I'm really excited for this one! The cover is gorgeous and I've read some great reviews :)
    My WoW

    1. Well, when I review it, I hope you'll like it!

  3. I'm always dying for this book!!! I can't wait to read it, I keep seeing so many good things on others blogs about it!

  4. This looks great! I love that it is a mystery but set in an entirely unfamiliar world.
