
03 April 2014

The Warrior Excerpt & Giveaway

Today I have a bit of a treat for you guys! I'm part of Victoria Scott's V Mafia street team, and she shared with us an exclusive excerpt from The Warrior, which is the conclusion to the Dante Walker trilogy. In Victoria's own words: "If you've read either of the first two titles, you'll know that each book includes a letter from Dante Walker. I've never shared one before the release of the book itself, but this time, just for you–I am." She then invited us to share the letter with our readers along with an awesome giveaway for some special Dante Walker jewelry! There's only four and a half more weeks until Dante's story concludes so I hope this has you excited to see what will happen with our favorite reformed bad boy. Enjoy!

Pub Date: May 6, 2014
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Genre: young adult paranormal, urban fantasy
Status: Final book in the Dante Walker trilogy
Summary: War between heaven and hell is coming, but Dante Walker makes it look damn good.

Dante’s girlfriend, Charlie, is fated to save the world. And Aspen, the girl who feels like a sister, is an ordained soldier. In order to help both fulfill their destiny and win the war, Dante must complete liberator training at the Hive, rescue Aspen from hell, and uncover a message hidden on an ancient scroll.

Dante is built for battle, but even he can’t handle the nightmares where spiders crawl from Aspen’s eyes, or the look on Charlie’s face that foretells of devastation. To make matters worse, the enemy seizes every opportunity to break inside the Hive and cripple the liberators. But the day of reckoning is fast approaching, and to stand victorious, Dante will have to embrace something inside himself he never has before—faith.

Working for the devil turns you into something unfixable. It makes you a demon, forevermore. It teaches you to feel anger before anything else, and to fight dirty for those things you believe yours. But I don’t work for the devil anymore. I work for the good guys, even if I don’t act like one. My job now is to protect my girlfriend from my former boss, and to rescue my friend from hell.

No, I don’t work for the devil any longer. But I am still the man he made me. I am still angry, and volatile, and dangerous. I don’t like the things he’s done, and I’m not about to sit back quietly. After all, he taught me better than that. He loved me with the kindness of a serrated blade, and fed me from a spoon dipped in terror.

He made me into a monster.

But I will bite the hand that fed me.

—Dante Walker

Pre-Order Links:
 photo B6096376-6C81-4465-8935-CE890C777EB9-1855-000001A1E900B890_zps5affbed6.jpg  photo 111AD205-AA04-4F9E-A0F4-C1264C4E9F30-1855-000001A1E8CEB6D7_zps9b730b94.jpg  photo B1426D4C-9EEC-4C0B-A1FB-90524B03C0CA-1855-000001A1E82B3B3E_zps17d98f4d.jpg

Open internationally. Winner will receive a Collector necklace and a pair of Dante Walker earrings. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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