
19 April 2014

Weekly wrap-up: April 13-19

So, looking at my Goodreads, apparently I DID finish a couple books before TLA. I just kind of forgot to add them. Whoops! But while last week was a desert of reading, this week was chock full of books! Okay, so what's coming up this week? Book club meeting 1, which I'm in charge of. I'm a little scared leading book club, but so far, people have responded to the book well (it's Cinder, btw). Also, a return to posting reviews and a couple event recap posts are in order. Anywhoozle, how was your week? Anything exciting going on? Let me know!

Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) - Tahereh Mafi: 3 stars. Really enjoyed Shatter Me, LOVED Unravel Me, but Ignite Me left me wanting. I know there was incredible pressure for her on each side of that love triangle, and I honestly feel like that pressure got to her. I enjoyed the final installment of Juliette's story, but I am disappointed. Why spend so much time developing a love triangle if you completely ignore one side? Also, I feel like the conclusion wasn't much of a conclusion at all. I'm just....disappointed, really, is all I can say.
Red at Night - Katie McGarry: 5 stars. I love how rich and emotional Katie's stories are. They're so full, and her characters are wonderfully complex. I want to read every book she ever writes!
Prisoner of Night & Fog (Prisoner of Night & Fog #1) - Anne Blankman: 3.5 stars. Good debut. I remain conflicted about fictionalizing such important historical characters and events, but I did enjoy this novel. Gretchen and Daniel are marvelous! Although I am not exactly sure why this is going to be a trilogy, I will read the sequels with interest.
The One (The Selection #3) - Kiera Cass: 4 stars. Before you ask: A friend received a copy and very generously allowed me to borrow it. And the only two things I will tell you about this book before it is published in a couple weeks are: 1. I enjoyed it, and 2. it is a very intense finale. I won't say good intense or bad intense. Just...intense. That is all. Out of respect for Kiera, her publisher, and fans of the series who have no desire to be spoiled, I will not be sharing ANY information about this book at all. I will be posting both non-spoilery and super in-depth spoilerific reviews after it is released, but until then, my lips are sealed. Please don't comment on potential theories or try to message me privately to confirm any rumors. I will not respond.
Nantucket Red (Nantucket Blue #2) - Leila Howland: 5 stars. My heart broke when I heard of this book's existence because I loved Nantucket Blue, and I knew that if Red were to exist, it would be contrary to much of what happened to Blue. The summary kind of confirms that. However, I feel it's a great sequel that looks at what comes after Happily Ever After. Very, very well done. Full review to come.

In the Age of Love and Chocolate (Birthright #3) audiobook - Gabrielle Zevin & Illyana Kadushin: 5 stars. Illyana is a very talented narrator. I adored this series, and the audiobooks are as high quality as the writing. Masterful audio really brought the words to life!

Currently Reading:
Belles (Belles #1) audiobook - Jen Calonita. I really like this book, but the narrator is driving me crazy with her stupid affected southern accents. Just read the book. Theatrics not required.
Camp Payback (Camp Boyfriend #2) - J.K. Rock

New to my bookshelf this week:
None. I'm kind of in trouble with my library. I forgot to renew everything I had checked out. Whoops! *headdesk* I feel terrible about the whole thing.

NONE. I haven't let myself so much as look at a bookstore since I got back from TLA. Okay, that's a lie. You know that. I'm lying. I waxed poetic about the joys and beauty of Half Price Books to my friends, and I even went into my favorite Barnes & Noble to pick up some books I dropped off last week for a signing during my TLA absence. I didn't buy anything, I swear! Srsly, not lying this time. For real. I just, you know, bought the book LAST week. :D


  1. I loved Ignite Me, so many feels! I'm also still questioning why Prisoner Of Night And Fog is a trilogy; not every book needs to be apart of a series.
    -Scott Reads It!

  2. I would ask if Ignite Me was like Allegiant, BUT....
    I'm excited about binge reading The Selection trilogy. I'm numero uno on the wait list at the library. (: Audiobooks of the first two have already been added to the ipod so I AM READY. I'm sorry you didn't really care for Prisoner of Night and Fog. /:

    1. I didn't not like Prisoner; I just didn't love it. I hope you like The Selection! I'll be doing a giveaway of the trilogy when The One comes out!

  3. I haven't read The Selection series or the Shatter Me series yet.
