
08 May 2014

1000 Twitter follower celebration/giveaway

Guys. This week, I hit that crazy milestone on Twitter known as 1000 followers, and I'm just a little bit speechless. Some people celebrate with cute posts full of gifs and adorableness, but I don't have the patience to hunt such things down (and although I'm a fan, I do hate how they slow things down). Really, the only thing I can say is THANK YOU and celebrate the best way I know how: by giving away a bunch of books! 

Because I know there are a lot of you who aren't from the US or Canada, I want to do something new to have you guys participate too. I'm going to have two rafflecopters: one for the US and one for all my international friends. You guys have been so patient and awesome and understanding about the fact that I can't ship internationally, and I love you for it.

Giveaway details:
Please only enter the rafflecopter that applies to you. US only giveaway will be for a box of ya books. The INT giveaway is for a book of the winner's choosing from Book Depository, up to $17, as long as they ship to your country. Giveaway ends at 12 am cst May 22. Thank you guys SO MUCH & good luck!

PS US peeps, the first book in the box may or may not be The One. Signed.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*gives you all a massive hug*


  1. I am really, really excited for Raging Star to come out next week. Like, can't stand it excited. Congrats on your 1000 followers, and thanks for the giveaway :)

  2. city of heavenly fire by cassandra clare!!! I have been dying to read this book for what seems like forever!!

  3. There are so many books I'm dying to read right now, but haven't had the money to buy them or am on the waiting list at my library.

    One of them is Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins! I LOVE her books and it's killing me that I haven't read that one yet.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I know, right?! I am on the wait list for my library. I want to read it so bad like you have no idea! I've been wanting to read it since it was announced as BOOKSPLOSION'S Book of the month last month.

  4. Heir of fire & city of heavenly fire. Lots of fire!
    <3 Brittany
    Ps super congrats u cool cat!

  5. (This is Darith L.)

    I most want to read Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson! It looks super good as summer read!

  6. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare is the book I really want to read now. Congrats on 1000 followers :)

  7. I want to read Isla and the happily ever after, but it didn't come out yet.

  8. The One by Kiera Cass. Buying it tomorrow!

  9. I want t read Alpha by Jasinda Wilder.

  10. We Were Liars by e.lockhart!

  11. I'm ready for City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare (later this month!) so I can finally knock that series out; it has been a long journey!

    1. Haha - looks like I'm not the only one. :)

  12. Congrats on 1000 followers! I'm currently dying to read The One because my copy from B&N didn't ship until Tuesday (I honestly think it should ship before so it can arrive on its release date), and also Emeralds & Ashes by Leila Rasheed (even though there aren't ARCs of it yet and it won't release for over 7 months).

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I should make sure I'm actually signed in as me instead of my husband!

    2. Amazing giveaway - there are ao many great books I want to read right now. Probably all the boys I've loved before is high on my list

  14. I am really looking forward to Nina Lacour's new book. Although, I will admit I have City of Heavenly Fire on my list.

  15. It is really great you are doing something for the international followers, too. I am coming up on my one year blog anniversary and am wondering how easy/difficult it is to use The Book Depository.

    1. And right now I am wanting to read the third Grisha novel Ruin and Rising. I can hardly wait!

  16. I want to read ALL THE BOOKS, sadly, the books I want the most have not come out yet. I still want to read Better off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg though.

  17. Congrats on 1000 followers! I really want to read Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

  18. Congrats on 1000 followers! I'm looking forward to reading Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly(despite the mixed reviews) and

  19. Congratulations on 1000 Twitter followers! I still really need to read We Were Liars!

  20. Congrats! That is so awesome! Right now...I REALLY want to read The One. I preordered mine, and I got the email and it apparently won't get here until the 13th. So I am dying. Trying really hard not to come across any spoilers!
    Congrats again and thanks for the giveaway! :D

  21. Congrats!!!
    Definitely Isla and the Happy Ever After!

  22. I have too many "most want to reads" too list. I am anxious to read 'Prejudice Meets Pride' next.

  23. I am looking forward to The Murder Complex and Sea of Shadows!

  24. Congratulations on your 1,000 followers! That's awesome. The book(s) I want to read the most right now is The One! And The Warrior, The Treatment, In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken, On the Fence by Kasie West. Thank you so much for all the giveaways. You're awesome!

  25. Looks like your little book blog isn't so little anymore :) Congratulations! And I think the book I want to read the most right now is Clockwork Princess. I have it in my bookstack, but I'm in the process of re-reading Angel and Prince before finally reading Princess.

  26. Congratulations!

    Strange & Ever After!

  27. I want to read Cress. I just haven't had a chance yet!

  28. Reper's Stand by Joanna Wylde :D :)
    Congrats on 1000 Followers!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

  29. I'm dying to read The Retribution of Mara Dyer and also Heir of Fire!!! I CAN'T WAIT! Oh how I very much dislike cliffhangers ;) phooey.
    And congrats on 1000 followers!
    Thanks for making the giveaway also international! :D

  30. I really want to read If I Stay by Gayle Forman! Congrats on your 1000 followers :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  31. The One! Cause my library STILL hasn't processed it!

  32. I most definitely want to read We Were Liars!

  33. I really wanted to read The Winner's Curse! I heard tons of great things about that book. Thanks for the giveaway :D

  34. I want to read The Hunt by Stacey Kade

  35. I can't wait to read Burned by Karen Marie Moning!!! Mac and Barrons <3

  36. I'm dying to read Heir of Fire! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  37. Congrats on 1000 Followers!
    I'm dying to get my hands on Thew Winner's Curse!!

  38. I really really want to read Free to Fall by Lauren Miller and Rebel by Amy Tintera, they both just look super good.

  39. I would love to read Wendy Higgins Sweet Evil trilogy. Thanks for the giveaway!! :)

  40. I totally want to read The two last books in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy. I've been waiting for a while for a nice chunk of time to savor them, and the time is coming soon! <333

  41. I can't wait for Isla and the Happily Ever After!!!

  42. I mostly want to read Anna and the French Kiss

  43. Honestly, right now I just really need to get to the store for The Geography of You and Me.
    Anyway, eep! This giveaway! Thank you!
    XO, Kristi
