
06 May 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #46: Artistic Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week the girls at B&B think up a fun theme, and participating bloggers post their favorite 10 books in that category. This week's theme is

Top Ten Covers I'd Frame as Art
You'll have to forgive me for being a tad predictable here, but pretty girls in prom dresses aside, these are gorgeous photos, let alone book covers. I would gladly hang any in my room (and I even do have a poster for These Broken Stars). Also, in some of these, the prom dress is RELEVANT TO THE STORY so HA.

Awwww-inducing contemporaries!
And yes, I picked the paperback cover of DYT because I like it just a tad better than the hardcover. I mean, come on. Look at Ryan's arm! Yowza!

These covers have me starry eyed!

I don't care if these are prom dress covers. THEY'RE STILL GORGEOUS.

When I reached nine beautiful covers, I was casting my mind about, looking for a fitting tenth cover, but I realized in typical Mary fashion for Top Ten Tuesday, that I found three. I thought of this beautiful series and honestly couldn't pick a favorite from the three so I just need to include them all. I've seen the full photoshoot, which was NOT done for the books, and it blows my mind. I just love this series of photographs, and I love how well the passion in the pictures translates to Mara and Noah. I get so frustrated when covers are redesigned partway through a series. It's really nice when the covers are consistent.

  So those are my favorite covers, cheesy or not. What do you think? Any of these make your list too? Let me know & share those links in the comments!


  1. Dare You To, Mara Dyer, and Chaos of Stars were all really close to being on my list this week. The other 2 star ones on your list are also really stunning to look at. I just love TOO many covers!!

    My TTT

  2. I LOVE the covers for the Mara Dyer series. I almost included The Retribution of Mara Dyer on my list because it is my favorite. I just couldn't think of a place I would hang it. The cover for Everneath is great as well!!

    Here is my TTT:

  3. You've got a beautiful dresses theme going on! You could group them in a dressing room, and it would look fabulous!

  4. I love them..out of those I think Everneath is my favorite :)

  5. I love all the prom dress covers these days, and all the different genres in which they're being used...paranormal, dystopian, etc. Makes it tempting to buy more books that I don't have time to read just because they're pretty. :P

  6. I was so sad when they changed the Across the Universe covers, because those were some of my favorites. I would definitely frame that one (A Million Suns too) and The Retribution of Mara Dyer (wow!).

    Plus, the old covers for The Wolves of Mercy Falls and the UK covers for the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, which are all gorgeous.

  7. They're all gorgeous! You really like kissing covers, I see. I totally agree about the These Broken Stars cover. :)

  8. I just love the Mara Dyer covers!!! I also loved the Everneath series :D One of my favorites has got to be the covers for Hourglass by Myra McEntire. FABULOUS!

  9. YES YES YES! ALL the covers from the Mara Dyer trilogy are absolutely gorgeous!!! Can't wait for The Retribution of Mara Dyer to be released!

  10. I love beautiful covers! Although it doesn't mean I'll judge it that way. :D
