
27 May 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #49: Audiobooks

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week the girls at B&B think up a fun theme, and participating bloggers post their favorite 10 books in that category. This week's theme is

Top Ten Audiobooks
Today was a freebie topic for Top Ten Tuesday, and I wanted to do something unique, like all the amazing posts I've seen so I decided to focus on audiobooks, which I never liked until last year. I have been planning on a new blog feature called Audio Adventures that I haven't been able to get off the ground yet, but this is a preview of the books I'm planning on featuring when I finally start it up!



Those are the top audio adaptations I have listened to thus far, but I'm looking for more! Please share your picks for great audiobooks! Also, what did you feature for your freebie TTT? Share your topics, your picks, and your links in the comments!


  1. YES! I loved listening to Clockwork Angel.

  2. I started City of Heavenly Fire yesterday, and opted to switch over and get the audiobook. It's such a long, complicated series that I figured the variety of "voices" would help. And it does a little, but I know I've had better. There's more than one narrator but it's not really used for male vs. female characters. I'm relatively new to the audiobook experience, but the ones with multiple narrators work best for me. For example, the classic Dracula of all books, was pretty good...had 3-4 narrators. Otherwise, I probably never could have finished it.

    Another friend has told me the Lunar Chronicles are very well done (I see Cinder up there) so I will definitely give that series a chance. Nice post, thanks.
