
03 July 2013

Dirty Little Secret Giveaway

 Giveaway is CLOSED
Check here for open giveaways.

Jennifer Echols is one of my favorite authors. No question about it. I like to say that if I kept a diary, Jennifer's books would be written out of it. I started reading her books way back in 2006 with Major Crush, which ironically, I took on a band trip (and got made fun of for having a book about marching band while being in the marching band. Go figure). Since then, I've read every book she's published (several times) and traveled with her on her forays into the world of adult and new adult fiction. For years, I've been trying to schedule around Jennifer's events and meet her, but it hasn't worked out. Finally, this April, my dream came true and I met Jennifer face-to-face. The first few minutes were truly ridiculous as I fangirled all over her. Pretty sure everybody around us was horrifically embarrassed for us both. But I didn't care one iota because Jennifer graciously talked with me for a long time about her books, publishing, and random things. It was glorious.

So in honor of Jennifer and her lovely books, I am hosting a giveaway in advance of the release of her latest young adult drama Dirty Little Secret.

Giveaway the first:
Open to US/Canada only!
Midnight CST July 3-10
Prize: Signed copies of Endless Summer, Going Too Far, and Forget You PLUS a signed arc of Dirty Little Secret.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway the second:
Open to all countries that are NOT US/Canada!
Midnight CST July 3-10
Prize: Kindle copy of Dirty Little Secret. This will have to wait until the book's release on July 16 to be given, but I wanted to do another international-friendly giveaway! Thanks for being patient, international readers!!
Please note that because this is a Kindle ebook giveaway, you should have an account with Amazon.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I really liked Such A Rush! I think it was because it was the first one that I read. I also like Endless Summer!

    1. Such a Rsh was really good, and I'll always have a special place for Boys Next Door/Endless Summer. I love those Vader boys!

  2. Unfortunately, I haven't read one of her books, so I don't have a favorite yet. I've been wanting to read going too far for a while now. Hopefully I will eventually because it sounds really good :)

    1. Definitely read Going Too Far! It's one of my favorites, and you'll join the legion of Johnafter fangirls for sure!

  3. The only book I read by Jennifer Echols was Love Story, and I thought it was pretty good!

    1. Love Story was especially cool for me because I was in my own creative writing course in college when I read it. Too bad I didn't have a guy like Hunter in my class!

  4. I have only read Such a Rush, and I loved it, so winning this would be awesome! And the second question, I'll just say yes and leave it at that.

    1. You should grab some of her others, Rachel! They're all awesome. And thanks for being bold and answering the second question!

  5. I haven't read any of her books, but she is one of the authors I would like to read in 2013.

    1. Her books are perfect for summer, Jacqueline! Except for The Ex Games, of course, because it's all about skiing!

  6. I haven't read any of her books yet, but this one sounds really good!

    1. It really is! I'm part of the book tour for DLS so check back in a couple days and I'll have another rafflecopter up and going for more books!

  7. I haven't read any yet, but you know how I am with your recommendations (: I'll get to one soon! And to the second... yes on both parts. Yeah... haha

    1. I love these books so much it hurts sometimes. Pretty sure anyone who has ever been in marching band has at least one dls, particularly members of bob! ;)

  8. My library doesn't have any of her books, but I'm working on making then get some! They don't always listen to the volunteer teens, but I'm trying! Anyway, I can't wait to read her books. And nope. I've never had, nor been a dirty little secret.

    1. That's awesome, Kristi, keep trying! I don't know why they wouldn't listen to you if you're a real teen reader and especially one who works at the library! I'd listen to all your recommendations if it were me! Good luck!

    2. Thanks! They told me they'll look into it!

  9. My favorite is Such a Rush! It's just one of those YA contemporaries that just fits with me. I loved everything about it. It's even on my favorites shelf on Goodreads. :)

    1. It seems Such a Rush is a lot of readers' favorite! I really enjoyed it, but I think I like Going Too Far the best of the dramas.

  10. i loved endless summer was one of my favorites.

    1. I remember coming across Endless Summer randomly in Borders when they were going out of business and I flipped out. I loved Boys Next Door so much, but I hadn't realized that there was a sequel!
