
02 July 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #4: Most Intimidating Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week the girls at B&B think up a fun theme, and participating bloggers post their favorite 10 books in that category. This week's theme is

Most Intimidating Books

Most books don't really intimidate me because I've read a little of just about everything. That being said, I am somewhat hesitant to pick up the books on this list either because of sheer size or high expectations based on public reactions or whatever.

1. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Um, yeah. I call myself a book lover, but I've never read one of the best series of all time. I started Magician's Nephew and couldn't handle it. Should've started with Lion, Witch, Wardrobe, I know, but I wanted to start with the chronological beginning. And there's just so. much. hype!

2. Ender's Saga by Orson Scott Card. Another hyped series. Plus, it's fairly large, with several books, spinoffs, graphic novels, and novellas. I think I want to see the movie and then decide if I'll read it. At least the first one.

3. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. This is one of the first-ever young adult novels, and I've been "over" the classics since I left school. I dunno. I just don't appreciate them enough. I did like a musical Little Women I watched a few years ago. I definitely feel like if I were to read a classic, this would be a pretty good one.

4. House of Night series by PC & Kristin Cast. So I really enjoyed the first four books of the series, but by the fifth, I was kinda over them, and I didn't even pick up the sixth. I just didn't have enough patience to keep it up all the way through novellas and extras and DANG. TWELVE NOVELS. I think I may try to get back in once all twelve are out, but I don't know. It wasn't just the amount of reading to do; it was also the drama, which got stale. And Zoey just had too many people into her. I like my romance to be dramatic, but not that dramatic.

5. Inkworld series by Cornelia Funke. Like with House of Night, I emjoyed the first one, but I was cowed by sheer size. These novels are dense! Plus, I kind of like where Inkheart left off so I don't know if I really want to move on the others. We'll see. Maybe one day.

6. Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater. Same thing. Enjoyed the first book, but I just don't know if I'm interested enought to keep going. Plus, another series and author with so much hype! I may read her other books before going back to Grace & Sam.

7. The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy by Carrie Hand. Hype. HYYYYPE. And I'm not into the whole zombie thing as the rest of the world so I dunno. I probably will pick this one up sometime. It's just that usually, there are a lot of other things that I want to read more. Sorry, Carrie Ryan!

8. Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. Same. Exactly the same. Although I did read his Leviathan series, which was amazing so I know he's a great writer. Just a lot of high expectations. Probably will read someday. Just not yet.

9. Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr. Ditto to everything stated above. Hype. High expectations. Plus fairies. I'm not into them as most other supernatural/fantasy creatures.

10. The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson. Yeah, not exactly young adult, but whatever. My brother and brother-in-law swear by these. I just don't know if I want to make such a huuuuge committment. I mean, Jordan DIED while writing these and the fans were waiting for years for the end. I don't think I'm that committed. Same with George R. R. Martin's books, which are supposed to be freaking amazing.


  1. Tim really enjoys The Wheel of Time series. Pretty sure he has all but the last two. We've both read Martin. Well.. I read Game of Thrones and listened to 2-4. Need to go back and actually read them. I don't do well with audio books. If you do read them, do not, do NOT get attached to characters haha.

    1. Yeah, I just watched the first season. Crazy stuff. I know what you mean about audiobooks. I prefer physical copies because for me, they're easier to navigate. Audio and ebooks are much more difficult.
