
15 October 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #19: Books I Was Forced to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week the girls at B&B think up a fun theme, and participating bloggers post their favorite 10 books in that category. This week's theme is

Top Ten Books I Was Forced to Read

1. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I did not like this book the first time I attempted to read it, which was a whopping 14 years ago this month. I had no idea what was going on in that mess of a first chapter so I put it down. Two months later, my aunt gave me a copy for Christmas. I gamely tried again--it was a gift, after all--and I'm so glad I did. My mom was right when she first recommended I read it: it does get better after Harry gets to school. To this day, however, I think I have only read the first chapter twice because I disliked it so much.

2. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. I think this is one of those books where you're pretty much required to read it AND love it if you are a woman. I don't go completely bonkers about Mr. Darcy, but I have loved this book ever since I read it for school. I think Jane Austen had no idea she'd become such a phenomenon and such an inspiration to women everywhere to write.

3. William Shakespeare. I love Bill. I love every single sonnet and play of his I've ever read.

4. Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. Read this in my senior AP English class, and it was an absolute riot. We had waaaaay too much fun with this book.

5. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I hadn't even heard of this book before I took adolescent literature in college. I'm so glad that my professor was a complete fangirl for it because this book is lovely. It's one of those novels that I think every single person alive should read it at least once in their lifetime.

6. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Another pick from adololescent lit. There's a story for everyone in this novel, and the drawings are perfection.

7. Holes by Louis Sachar. In seventh grade, my English/homeroom teacher read this to us every day after lunch. I loved it! The movie may not have been an exact adaptation, but I enjoyed it as well.

8. The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. My seventh grade teacher read this to us as well that year. I remember being totally sucked in and always wanting her to read more after she stopped for the day. I don't read many mysteries anymore, but this novel, Nancy Drew, and the Hardy Boys will always be dear to me. Read this last year or perhaps the year before, and I still adore it.

9. A Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. Oh, my. I believe this was the first book that made me cry in class. How can you not love it?!

10. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. It's been many years since I read this novel, but I remember loving it every time I did.


  1. Mary, I love your list. I never think of people not reading Harry Potter or not liking it, because I jumped into the series as a child. I love P&P, it's my favorite Austen novel, even if she, herself, thought it was too sparkly. So many great titles on this list. I want to hug it lol :)

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

    1. I was a kid too, but I just didn't gel with that first chapter. Glad I changed my mind! Thanks for stopping by, Aly!

  2. I've been meaning to read The Book Thief! I'm always really daunted by the narration....

    1. And by the fact that it's over 500 pages! It is kind of intimidating, but trust me, it's so worth it!

  3. I still have to read the classics and The Book Thief. :X
    I loved Holes, and HP is among my favorite series. I do agree that the first few chapters are terrible. Poor Harry!
    Happy reading!

    1. Definitely, definitely read The Book Thief! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I'm so glad you perservered and finished Harry Potter. I adore it. I myself need to read The Book Thief. I feel so behind!

    1. Me too! It's been my favorite series since I was 12! Read TBT asap!

  5. The Westing Game! I remember that book. Haven't seen it since junior high, but loved it! Number the Stars was also one of my first loves. Bill Shakespeare's my bud, too. I haven't gotten through all of his plays, but I really want to some day. Great list! Thanks for stopping by mine! :D

    1. Oh, I haven't read all of Shakespeare's work yet either. I have a copy of his completed works, but I've just never gotten around to it. I tend to reread my favorites of his. Thanks for visiting!

  6. I also had to read Bridge to Terabithia in school and I got so mad at the author for the "ending"/bad part of the book :P

    I did a Top 10 as well here
    - Sincerely Steph

    1. I know. I cried so much! But sometimes, it has to happen. :(

  7. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way about HP. Of course I love the series, but that first book was a struggle for me. Love the list! Thanks for stopping by our blog! :)

    Andy @ Owl Always Be Reading

    1. Yeah, I don't think JKR really hit her stride until PoA. SS and CoS are only okay for me. Thank you for stopping by!

  8. I'm glad you gave Harry Potter another try. It is such a great series. I have to admit...I read the first few books as soon as they cam out, but then got busy with school then work. I read books 4-6 over the past couple of years and plan on reading the last book by the end of this year.

    The Book Thief is still on my TBR list. I really need to read that book as well.

    You should definitely read Easy. It is one of my favorite books that I have read this year. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!!

    1. Don't worry; as soon as I got past those first few chapters of Sorcerer's Stone, there was no danger of me not loving HP. Hope you can finish them in time for your deadline! Thank you for visiting!

  9. I remember reading Holes in 5th grade. I HATED reading back then, but I really liked Holes! We also got to watch the movie in class which was a plus! :)

    1. LOVE watching movies in class! Good times. Always nice to find a book that resonates with you, even if you're not a fan. :)

  10. These books are FANTASTIC! So glad you read them - you'd have missed out on a lot if you didn't :)

    1. Thanks! I think there are plenty of books that I am missing out on, but it's hard to notice when I'm reading so many good ones.

  11. What a great list! I think the only one I haven't read is The Westing Game, and I know I should!


    1. Definitely read it. It's a quick read and it's REALLY GOOD.

  12. The Westing Game is a favorite from elementary school. I always like hearing that other people loved it as well. :)

    1. Me too! I don't think it gets nearly the due it should.

  13. The Book Thief is my FAVOURITE (Canadian! i use a "u") book of all time. I loved it so much and agree that everyone should read it at least once. The characters amazed me and haunted me. It was sad but it was realistic. Markus Zusak didn't try to sugarcoat anything.
    Also, I think I'm going to try reading the Harry Potter Series...I didn't read the books yet because I watched the movies first and I have this habit of not reading the books if I watched the movie first...I don't know why...

    1. Well, trust me when I say you NEED to read Harry Potter. You definitely need to fully experience these books!
