
13 June 2014

YA Audiobook Challenge

I know it's weird to join a challenge halfway through the year, but I JUST heard about the YA Audiobook Challenge hosted by A Book & a Latte. Since reading 20 audiobooks was already a resolution of mine for the year and I've been planning a new blog feature about audiobooks, I don't at all feel like I'm taking on an impossible task. I've already listened to almost as many audiobooks as I'm aiming for! Now I just have to actually write up the reviews....

Goal: Rock'n Out: Listen to & review 24 audiobooks.

Completed audiobooks:
1. These Broken Stars
2. Just One Day
3. Fangirl
4. Eleanor & Park
5. Under the Never Sky
6. Pants on Fire
7. Lola & the Boy Next Door
8. Divergent
9. Daughter of Smoke & Bone
10. Days of Blood & Starlight
11. In the Age of Love & Chocolate
12. The Supernaturalist
13. Lips Touch: Three Times
14. Belles
15. Airhead
16. Will Grayson, Will Grayson

I'm working on number 17 (City of Fallen Angels) right now, and I'll probably be on to number 18 by Monday! I've been spending some time on Audible the last couple days trying to find some new audiobooks, but do you have any suggestions for me? I'd love some recs!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed The Dark Fae and The Deadly Fae by Terry Spear. She doesn't normally write YA books, but these both fit the bill! They are perfect escape books... The Dark Fae was actually a finalist in the Sultry Listener's Awards for best YA audio :-))).
