
Moving Day Giveaway

 Giveaway is CLOSED. 
Check here for open giveaways.

So I've been pretty quiet on here the last couple weeks because I've been so swamped with work and moving. While moving all my stuff from one house to the other, I realized...I have a lot of books. Like...a lot. Enough for a second personal library (my first being still at my parents' house as I have zero room to carry all my childhood books with me right now). And as much as I like books, I really need to get some gone. Not all because I have other giveaways planned for coming months, but some. I think 6 is a good start.

So here's the deal: Open to US/Canada (for shipping reasons) until the end of June. 3 winners. First winner will get 3 books. Second winner gets 2 books. Third winner gets one. Best part: YOU CAN CHOOSE WHICH BOOKS YOU GET.

The booty: I have a mix of arcs and signed books and yes, you can mix and match.

The Boyfriend App by Katie Sise
Truth of Dare by Jacqueline Green
SYLO by D.J. MacHale (July 2)
Golden Boy by Tara Sullivan (June 27)
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen
Icons by Margaret Stohl

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett
Legend by Marie Lu
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Beautiful Creatures by Margaret Stohl

These are signed, but I'm not sure which ones. I'll update once I figure out which:
at least one of the Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray
a couple of the Perfect Chemistry series by Simone Elkeles

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. omg i love the books they are on my tbr list!!! hope i win! :D

  2. I think I'd most love The Moon and More and I'd really love a signed book by Sarah Dessen, but if I had to choose from the above list I'd go with Marissa Meyer. Anyway, thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

    1. I held a survey a couple months ago and EVERYBODY wanted Marissa Meyer's books so I definitely had to grab some! Good luck & thanks for entering!

  3. Paranormalcy and Legend!! omg
    Maybe from Kendare Blake and Kiersten White :DD

    1. I love them too! Haven't read Anna Dressed in Blood yet, but Kendare was super nice when she signed it for me.

  4. The Moon and More! I love Sarah Dessen's books, but I haven't got a chance to get my hands on a copy of her latest book. That's the one I would like most.

    As for the signed book, I would either pick Between Shades of Gray (it's one of the few I haven't read yet) or one of Libba Bray or Simone Elkeles's books because I love both those series.

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter this great giveaway. :)

    1. I haven't read Between Shades of Grey either, but it's supposed to be fantastic! And i LOVE Libba Bray's books. She's super entertaining! Good luck!

  5. I would love Anna Dressed in Blood or Beautiful Creatures! :) Which author out of that list? Any. But I've always wanted a signed book from Nora Roberts.

    1. I really need to read & watch Beautiful Creatures. I've started the graphic novel and it's really interesting so far. I'll keep Nora in mind. I don't have any of her books, but I like to know what my readers want. :) Good luck!

  6. For a signed book, I would like Legend and the other book I would really like is The Moon and More, just because I have never read anything by her.

    1. I like Sarah Dessen. She's kind of like the female ya verson of Nicholas Sparks, but in a good way. I really recommend The Truth About Forever and Along for the Ride. They're my favorites.

  7. i honestly havent read anything by any of these authors but ive heard good things about cinder and legend so I'll go with those :)

    Thanks so much, awesome giveaway
    New Follower
    Danielle @ Coffee and Characters

    1. I really liked Cinder and Legend so you can add me to everybody saying good things. :) I kinda call this the Choose Your Own Adventure giveaway because if you win, you can choose whatever you want! Thanks for the follow, Danielle!

  8. SYLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And from this above list I'd loveeee Marie Lu

  9. For a signed book I would want one of the LIbba Bray ones. I'm a huge fan of historical fiction and this series is one that I have been wanting to pick up for a while now. Another book I would want is probably the ARC of Icons!

    Great giveaway! :) And happy moving!

    1. Historical fic seems to be picking up right now. I haven't read the Gemma Doyle trilogy yet, but I love Libba's other books so I'm positive I'll like them too! Thanks for entering & good luck!

  10. SO EXCITED! (: Love your giveaways, my lovely Mary! The answer to both would be Legend by Marie Lu! Loved it so much and Prodigy is definitely on the beach reading list!

    1. EVERYONE wants Legend! I'm disappointed because I actually had a second giveaway copy for her to sign and it didn't happen. Prodigy is intense, I'm warning you now! Oh, and I have a q&a post from her Dallas signing so you should look that up.

  11. Awesome books! You are so lucky/cool to have all those books SIGNED!? And gives them away! You're a book angel! Lol.

    Dee @ Dee's Reads

    1. Dee, I am SO lucky, you're totally right! It's a case of right time, right place. Dallas has a wonderful book community, and I've had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful authors since I moved here. Keep an eye on here because I've got some upcoming events which means more signed books!

  12. Love these books! Can't believe that you have Between Shades of Gray signed!

    1. Yeah, I was really excited to meet Ruta in April. She came out to DFW for the Texas Library Conference and did a panel all about southern writing. It was great. I'll have to post the transcript sometime.

  13. The book I haven't read that I want the most would probably be Cinder, but the book that I have read that I want the most is for sure Legend. And for signed I would either say Marie Lu or Simone Elkeles.

    1. Cinder is definitely a good read. Scarlet is on my summer tbr, and I can't wait to get into it. I wish I had more copies of Legend for everyone! Good luck!

  14. I would want Paranormalcy by Kiersten White. Oh, and I would love to get a book signed by Veronica Roth. That would be great.

    1. Kiersten is SO sweet! I loved meeting her. Sadly, I don't think she'll go on much of a tour for Chaos of the Stars with the new baby. I would love Veronica's autograph too! I really want Dallas of somewhere nearby to win the contest for her signing. If we did, I'd definitely be getting some extra signed copies!

  15. Oops! Didn't mean to respond to Christine's comment! Here is what my comment was: My top picks from that list (and that is an incredible list!) are Legend, Cinder, and The Moon and More or Anna Dressed in Blood. As for an author not on that list? Either Suzanne Collins or Rick Riordan. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

    1. No worries, Rachel. I took it off. :) I think I would shave my head to meet Suzanne Collins. I've been a fan of hers since I read The Underland Chronicles. To meet her would be utterly astounding.

    2. I loved the Underland Chronicles too! I hope she will release something new soon!!

    3. She is! It's called Year of the Jungle and comes out in a few months. I think it's a children's book though.

  16. For the first question, my answer would be Cinder by Marissa Meyer! (Or Legend by Marie Lu!) And i would love a signed book from Melina Marchetta and Rainbow Rowell (even though they aren't the ones you mentioned in the giveaway)!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Don't worry about not choosing from the list. I actually want to know authors from off it so I can find out what my readers want! For the record, I'd love a Rainbow Rowell signed book too!

  17. I love this giveaway, all of the books are great! I would love to get Icons by Margaret Stohl! It's sounds like such a good book! :) From the signed I would have to go with either a Simone Elkeles book (I love all of her books!) or Beautiful Creatures (I watched the movie but have yet to read the book..lol).
    Thanks for the great givaway! :)

    1. I really need to read the Caster Chronicles too. I've heard such great things, and I've read a little of the graphic novel, which is beautiful. Thanks for entering, Bridgett! Good luck!

  18. Truth or Dare sounds really good. As for which author I would like a signed book from, I'd say Danielle Steel or Harlan Coben.

    Thanks :)

    1. Cool! Thanks for giving me some new ideas, Mona!
